Ch.5: Sky's Visit

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Mitch's POV

The nurse returns and hands me a glass of water.

"Thank you."

She nods and says goodnight before leaving me alone with Jerome again.

I finish the water and put it on the counter next to me.

"Night Jerome, I'll find a way to bring you back, I promise." I whisper.

I lay down on the hospital bed and close my eyes, only to force them open again an hour later from a crash.

I jerk away and stare at the culprit.

"Hello Bajan." Sky smirks, taking a step back from my bed.

I jump off the bed and stand in between him and Jerome.

"What are you doing here?" I growl.

"Just paying Jerome a visit, no harm in that right?"

"Depends on if Herobrine has anything to do with your visit or not."

"Ha. you really hate my master huh?"

I narrow my eyes at him, balling my hands into fists.

"He's never really liked me and has a... unique way of showing it."

Sky sits on a chair and grins. "Talk about it. I'm interested in knowing what happened."

"Herobrine took everything from me and I'm not about to let him take Jerome away from me too. I know what he did to you and I'm not afraid to fight you."

Adam frowns in thought.

"You know how to use your words well, I admire that." he says, standing up.

"What'd you do to Jerome?" I growl, ignoring his comment.

"I fixed him. He's a bacca with a human heart. A crime against nature that I fixed."

I glare at him. "You and I both know that's not true. You can't change someone's heart with a spell."

"Herobrine did mine." He smirks, clearly thinking he's outsmarted me.

"Herobrine didn't do anything but harden it. Not even Notch can change your heart. People don't change Adam, you of all people should know."

He glares at me. "I don't know what your talking about."

I smirk and cross my arms. "You do too. Dawn choose the squids before you, you thought she had changed and proposed, then next thing you know she's cheating on you with a squid hybrid."

He yells out in anger and pushes me against the wall.

His hand grabs my neck and he pushes me up till I'm hanging a good foot off the ground.

"You never know when to shut up, do you? I can take care of that." Sky says, his hand glowing white under my chin.

I start to choke and struggle to make Adam let me go.

The glow of his hand starts to dim as I hear another person chocking.

Adam drops me and I realize he's chocking too.

"What'd you do to me?" he asks in between coughs, his voice raspy.

"Herobrine didn't tell you?" I ask, gaining my breath and hiding a sleep potion behind my back.

"Tell me what?" he asks, his voice back to it's demented self.

I smirk and throw the potion at his feet.

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