Ch.20: Epilogue

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This is a really early update just so I have a little more time to write the next story so y'all won't have to wait too long (it'll still be posted on the weekend) this is also a thanks to @falloutfandoms for updating the story 'Run' early. Thanks again :)

Mitch's POV

"Your his son?" I growl out loud, earning weird looks from everyone around me.

I look around and find a bathroom, locking myself inside as soon as I do.

'Yeah... I haven't been telling you the whole truth.'

'Now would be a good time to spit it out.'

'I'm sorry, but he can't do that. He needs to come with me.'

I gasp as pain erupts through my head.

I fall to my knees and ball my hands into fists at the excruciating pain.

'What's going on?'

No response.

The pain fades away and I get a feeling like something was missing.

I stand up and walk back towards my room.

'I need to see if Seto is awake.'

~A Couple Minuted Later~

I make it to Seto's cot and my hope diminishes.

He's still asleep.

I sit next to him in a chair with a sigh.

"Hey Seto, it's Mitch."

"I have a problem."

"There's this thing inside of me, he calls himself Devon."

"He says I have... powers and Herobrine says he's his son."

"Please wake up soon. I need your help."

Ty's POV

I walk around the corridors of the castle, not knowing where I'm going nor really caring.

My mind is busy with the events of the last couple days, wondering why Herobrine wanted Sky of all people.

'Was it because he was a king? a leader to our team?'

I push my thoughts to the back of my mind and find myself standing in front of Sky's room.

"Hey Ty." He greets from his desk.

"Hey Sky." I wave, walking into his room.

My eyes land on his amulet as I walk in.

'You should destroy it.' a demonic voice says in my head.

'Why should I take orders from you? you've done nothing but order me around and won't answer my questions.'

The voice growls and vanishes from my mind.


"Hmm? sorry I was just thinking about something."

"It's fine. I was asking if you wanted to go with me and Jason to the end. We need more obsidian and we don't want to go into the caves."

"Sure. Let me grab my pickaxe and I'll be ready." I respond.

He nods, dismissing me, and I run to my room.

~The End~

"How much obsidian do we need Adam?" I ask as the end dimension appears around us.

"Let's mine a pillar each. Since we killed the Enderdragon the only thing we have to worry about is the ender men." he replies.

I nod and run off to one of the huge obsidian pillars.

'Let's mine.' I think, raising my pickaxe.

I mine a two block tall opening in the pillar and start to mine a staircase up to the top.

~After Mining~

I finish mining all of the pillar, except for one block in the center of the floor.

'This doesn't seem normal.' I think, eyeing the obsidian closely.

'Don't mine it.' the voice from before says.

'Why the nether should I do as you say?' I think back, raising my pickaxe.

I mine the block and the void welcomes me from below.

'See, nothing but the void.' I think with a smirk.

The sound of an enderman teleporting occurs behind me, making me tense.

I turn slowly and come face to face with the purple eyes of the mob.

Expecting it to get mad and attack me, I unsheathe my sword.

It's eyes never leave mine as it stands there memorized by something on my face.

I want to ask what, but I stand there frozen staring into it's purple eyes.

"Hello Deadlox." it says.

I gasp and take a step back, resulting in me falling into the void.

"Ty!" Adam and Jason's voices yell as I fall.

The void consumes their voices and I know that soon, it'll consume me.

I claw around, desperate to keep myself from falling farther, screaming for help.

A sudden wind swooshes around me and it becomes hard to keep my eyes open.

'This is how I die.' I think as the darkness of the void consumes me.


I groan and sit up.

"Am I dead?" I mumble, rubbing my aching head.

"Welcome Deadlox, to the End."


Cliff hangar for the next book.

Sorry I'm not sorry.

The next book will most likely be posted this weekend. (If I can write the first few chapters before then)

Thanks for all the support and thanks to @FalloutFandoms for making the cover for this story :)

If y'all want to read a story while waiting, check out my other fan fictions.

Thanks again!


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