Ch.2: Surprise

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Surprise update to celebrate 400 reads on The Fight For Freedom! Hope y'all enjoy.

Deadlox's POV

I woke up with a low growl, my body aching.

"Where am I?" I moaned.

"You're in your room." a soft voice answered.

I turned and saw Seto hovering over my desk, a book in his hand.

"Hey Seto, what happened?" I groaned, sitting up against the pillows.

"We believe you were knocked out by squids while trying to save Adam, but we're not sure." Seto explained, grabbing a bottle with a pink liquid in it.

"Drink up." He ordered, handing it to me.

I downed the liquid in one gulp and instantly felt better.

"What was that?"

"A regeneration potion. Your health was low when we found you and we couldn't make you drink anything so we had to wait till you woke up." Seto explained, putting the book in his purple robe.

"Where's Jason?" I asked.

"He's in his room, still asleep."

"I think I know what happened to Sky..." I trailed off.

"He was kidnapped by the squids while he and Jason were hiding from me. Jason screamed and we ran to find him. We found a lake and guessed that Jason had been pulled under by the squids." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I suggested we come back and tell you guys about him, then as we we're leaving, Sky let's out a yelp and then I hear a splash. I turn around to see Sky's hand sinking into the water. I shout his name and jump in after him, but before I hit the water, an end portal appears under my feet. I get teleported to the end and run into the enderdragon. We exchange a couple words and Herobrine appears next to the dragon. Out of fear, I run away, but get tripped and fall, then I black out."

"That explains how you got in a tree." Seto muttered.

"A tree? who found me?" I asked.

"Jerome and Mitch were wondering in the forest looking for you three when they saw your hand hanging off a tree limb and Jason laying by the roots."

"Where was the tree?"

"Close to the castle walls. I think it was the one Jerome used to hang around in when he was upset."

"Hmm... okay, I'm going to go get some food then I'm going to search around that tree. Let me know when Jason's up?"

Seto nodded and I walked out of the room, into the kitchen.

"Hey Ty." SSundie greeted from the table.

"Hey Derp, whatcha eating?" I asked.

"Mushroom stu."

I licked my lips and grabbed a bowl from the counter.

After I finished eating, I grab my budder sword, a bow and arrows, then walked out the front door.

"Wait up Ty!" a gruff voice called.

I spun around and saw Jerome and Mitch running at me, bows and axes in their hands.

"Hey, you two want to join me? I'm going to check out the place where I was found to see if there's any trace of Adam."

They nodded, wide grins spread across their faces.

"Lezzgo." Mitch exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and ran out the front gates, Dead and Sky army recruits waving as we ran by.

"Ty, do you know where we're going?" Mitch asked, making me stop in my tracks.

"I have a general direction, but no not really."

Jerome shook his head. "I'll lead the way since Mitch doesn't have a good sense of direction."

A couple minutes later we found the tree Seto was talking about.

"Okay, so you were found on the second lowest branch right there." Mitch instructs, pointing at the branch that seemed to be about a good 50 feet in the air.

"Dang, how'd you get me down?" I asked, looking at Mitch.

Mitch poined up again.

I look up again and Jerome is sitting on the same branch Mitch had pointed out to me.

"Anything up there Jerome?" Mitch calls.

"No, I'll go to the canopy and check." he yells back.

He climbs up and disappears in the leaves.

"I'll look around the surrounding trees, you can look around the base of this one if you want." Mitch says, unsheathing his diamond sword.

I nod and he takes off.

"See anything Jerome?" I yell up to him.

I don't hear a reply, so I assume he can't hear me and start to look around the roots.

'This tree is huge! No wonder Jerome liked it.' I think as I look around.

A thud makes me look up and a brown furry thing lands on top of me.

"Ouch, Jerome get off me." I grunt, trying to push the baca off of me.

When he doesn't respond, I start to worry.

"Mitch! come quick!" I shout, finally pushing him off my legs.

Rushed footsteps make their way to the tree and Mitch appears through the brush.

"What... happened?" he pants.

"Jero-" I freeze when a pair of white eyes appear behind Mitch.

"Spit it out Ty!" Mitch yells running over to Jerome.

The owner of the two white eyes walks into the clearing and I gasp in shock.

"Hello Deadlox, I see you broke the baca's fall." Sky says, his voice deep and demonic.

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