Ch.3: The Search For Adam

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Jerome's POV

I climbed to the top and looked around the treetops for any sign of my missing friend.

A sigh escaped me as I went to go down once again.

But all that stopped when a hand on my shoulder made me stop and turn around.

I'm greeted by a smirking Sky with glowing white eyes staring down at me.

"Hello Fluffy." he said, his voice deeper and laced with malice.

"Adam? what happened to you?" I asked, pulling my shoulder away from his arm.

"Nothing bad. I can't say the same for you though." he replied, grabbing my shoulder again.

I gasped as a wave of extreme power flowed through my body.

Adam's smirk appeared to grow as I slowly started to loose consciousness.

"Say goodbye to the nice Jerome." he says as my vision is consumed by darkness.

Mitch's POV

I whip around and see Adam standing in front of the bush I was just at, his white, soulless eyes digging into Deadlox's.

"What'd you do to him." Ty growls.

"Nothing of your concern."

I turn my attention back to Jerome and pick him up.

"Don't even think about leaving." Sky says, his eyes never leaving Deadlox's.

"Or what?" I challenge.

As I say that, something nudges my back.

I turn around and find a skeleton with a bow to my back.

"Set the bacca down and stand next to Deadlox." Sky orders.

I gently set Jerome down and slowly walk over to Ty.

"Set your weapons on the ground." he orders.

I put Betty (diamond axe) down on the ground as Ty puts his gold sword on the ground.

The weapons disappear in thin air and Sky smirks.

"Much better."

"What did those squids do to you?" Ty asks.

Sky chuckles. "Those idiotic creatures did nothing to me."

Ty seems to relax slightly at the sound of Sky's comment.

"What did Herobrine do to you, I'd recognize those white eyes anywhere." I growl.

"You've had some experience with my master?"

The word master irritates me to the point I have to ball my hands into a fist to keep from loosing it and doing something stupid.

"Your 'master' and I don't get along very well." I grumble.

"That's sad to hear. I'll have to ask him about it later, for now though, I must be off."

There's a flash of white light and Sky is gone, along with the mobs that had surrounded us.

"What the Nether was that?" Ty asks.

"Herobrine's trying to mess with the people I care about again, let's get Jerome back to the castle." I growl.

Ty puts his hands up in defense and helps me grab Jerome's limp body.

We carry him all the way back to the castle walls till The Fish (Quentin/Husky) and The Captain (CaptainSparklez/Jordan) come and help us.

Caveman (CavemanFilms/Dan) leads us up to the infirmary where we lay Jerome down on a bed.

"There doesn't seem to be any broken bones, which is a plus, but we won't know the damage till he wakes up." the doctor says.

I can't take it anymore. I storm out of the infirmary and into my room.

"Mitch!" Seto calls out, running after me.

"Why does Herobrine have to ruin my life by hurting the ones I love!" I exclaim, slamming my fist on my desk.

"Mitch, calm down. What exactly happened? what did Herobrine do?"

"He did something to Sky and now Jerome is paying for it." I yell, facing him.

Seto hold his hands up. "Mitch, I understand your mad but I'm only here to help."

I sigh and sit down on my bed, my head falling into my hands.

"I'm so done with him." I mumble.

Seto joins me on my bed. "What happened?"

I raise my head up and and look at Seto.

"Things I'm not going to talk about. I'm going to go to the blacksmith to get another Betty, then I'm going hunting so I can clear my mind. If you want to know what happened, ask Ty." I growl, standing up and storming out of my room.

'Herobrine will pay for hurting Jerome, Adam and my family.'

Seto's POV

I watch Mitch storm out of his room and sigh.

'Ty it is then.' I think, getting up and walking to the infirmary.

"Hey Ty, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask.

Ty nods and walks out into the hallway.

"What happened in the jungle?"

He sighs. "Herobrine has Adam wrapped around his finger. He attacked us while we were searching for him."

"And what about Jerome?"

"I think Adam threw him off the top of the tree after knocking him out."

"Hmm. Wait, Mitch said he needed a new diamond axe. What happened to your weapons?"

"Sky made them disappear." Ty says with a shrug.

"I'm going to check on Jerome, thanks for letting me know what happened." I say.

Ty nods and walks off in the same direction Mitch did moments ago.

I walk into the infirmary and watch the doctors run around the room in a panic.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We're not receiving any brain activity, we think he might be brain dead from the fall."

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