Chapter 15

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Like Takodana, D'Qar was a lush and tranquil world – a fact the Resistance had endeavoured to preserve.

Hills had been dug into to fashion out hangers, joined together by the open tarmac where many X-Wings were setting down, careful to not disturb the surrounding wildlife.

Techs and mechanics swarmed the ships, getting to work on any necessary repairs or refurbishments.

Pilots either assisted them, or assembled to enthuse about the excitement of battle and their victory.

Han escorted Nova and Chewie off the Falcon, giving a few gruff comments about the ship to the team that approached to run checks and restoration, before taking them both into the base to get them the medical attention their wounds required.

Finn came last, losing his companions in the bustle. Looking around, he felt more out of his depth than ever, amongst people who up until recently he had been told were the enemy.

He would have felt more comfortable with Nova by his side to vouch for him. Without her, he felt rather vulnerable and exposed.

He made his way across the tarmac, taking in what the new environment had to offer.

X-Wings were still being directed to land; the breeze created by the engines disturbing the grass on the surrounding hills.

One in particular caught his eye – the orange and black paintjob unmissable in a sea of blue and white. Its pilot was climbing down the ladder, dressed in the same orange flight suit as the rest. Reaching the bottom, he removed his helmet, shaking his head to fix his mess of dark curls.

BB-8 zoomed past, knocking into Finn's leg and nearly tripping up another tech in his haste to reach the pilot, beeping excitedly.

The pilot turned at the commotion, a smile taking over his face at the sight of the droid. Crouching down to be on his level, he chatted back to him, somehow managing to keep up with the rushed string of binary. A moment later, he looked to the side, astonishment taking over his face as he recognised Finn.

Recognition dawned on Finn too, as did astonishment.

"Poe," he said, setting off into a jog to reach the other man. "Poe Dameron, you're alive!"

"So are you!" Poe said, meeting him halfway.

The pair collided in a tight hug, then stood back to look at one another, still stunned.

"What happened to you?"

"What happened? I got thrown from the crash, woke up at night – no you, no ship, nothing. Beebee-Ate says that you saved him."

"No, no, no. It wasn't just me," Finn rushed to correct him.

"You completed my mission, Finn. I – that's my jacket?" The pilot frowned, looking him over in surprised admiration.

"Oh, here." Finn began to slip it off, only to be stopped.

"No, no. Keep it, it suits you," Poe beamed, giving Finn's arm a reassuring smack. "You're a good man, Finn."

Finn chuckled. "Great pilots must think alike."

Poe frowned again. "What do you mean?"

"It's just that Nova said the exact same thing."

"Nova's alive?" Shock and joy overtook the pilot's face as he murmured: "I knew it!"

Finn's expression remained grave. While he was glad to have reunited two friends, he had his own friend to rescue – if she was even still alive.

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