Chapter 25

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A party was held that night on D'Qar. To celebrate the great victory, as well as those they lost along the way to achieve it. Speeches were spoken, songs were sung, and drinks were passed around. That night was not a time for tears.

Nova was not drinking. Nor was she socialising. Instead, she had retreated to a quieter corner away from the congregation, content to fade into the atmosphere and simply observe. Black Squadron would not miss her absence – all too busy recounting past missions, which eventually she knew would most likely evolve into some form of drinking game. Which, while she had grown to enjoy them immensely, was not something she was in the mood for that night.

Her brown eyes scanned the room at intervals, no one group catching her interest. Mechanics. Pilots. Medical staff. Admirals. Majors. Everyone seemed equal there, revelling in the little bit of freedom they had worked so hard to win.

As they should.

Her solitude was short lived as company found her. With a sigh, she let her head fall back to hit the wall with an audible thump, and she cursed beneath her breath.

"Well, I'm clearly not wanted," Poe said, a playful smirk on his face.

"Don't take it personally," Nova said dryly, rubbing the back of her head – having hit the wall harder than intended. "Shouldn't you be with the rest of the squad?"

"And why would I choose them over you?"

She raised an incredulous eyebrow.

"They can survive without me," he dismissed, taking a seat beside her. "And I can't have my wing-woman being lonely at a party."

"I'm not lonely," she countered. "I just needed a break."

"Well, in that case I'll go." He began to stand to leave slowly.

"No, you can stay." Nova rolled her eyes, having grown accustomed to his sense of humour long ago. "Please."

Poe chuckled. "Okay, okay. Of course, I'll stay."

The pair lapsed into a moment of silence; content to enjoy each other's company.

"Where's the new girl? Thought she would be with you."

"Rey turned in early. Can't say I blame her."

Poe nodded. "She in your room?"


He cleared his throat. "You need to sleep in my room tonight?"

"I'm taking my floor."

"You can have my bed if you want."

"Poe, it's fine. Besides, if either of us deserves to sleep in a bed tonight, it's you. You're the hero of the day after all," she teased, poking his side.

The pilot lowered his voice, leaning in closer to her with a stern gaze. "Nova, you lost your father today. And you nearly –"

"Don't," she snapped. Her voice was low and controlled. Her expression was tight, eyes burning with repressed emotion. "I'm fine."

"You don't have to be on your own."

"I don't need your help."

"No, you don't want my help."

"Oh, like hell you know what I want. Like kriff! While we're on the topic, why don't you explain yourself?"

Poe frowned.

"The kiss?"

The confusion lifted, and Poe's expression fell. He did not regret having kissed her – nothing in the galaxy could make him regret it – but the look on Nova's face in that moment was enough to ignite at least a spark of guilt within him. "Nova, I –"

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