Chapter 28

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"You're right, I do hate this plan," Nova grumbled, aggressively flicking the controls in her cockpit.

By the time she and Poe had boarded their fighters, another ship had joined the First Order's entourage. A Siege Dreadnought, larger than any ship they had faced before, and far more powerful. Armed to the teeth with cannons capable of picking them off in a second.

BB-8 shared in Nova's scepticism, beeping nervously to his pilot.

"Happy beeps here, guys, come on," Poe said, sounding as confident and devil-may-care as he usually did when faced with danger. "We've pulled crazier stunts than this."

"That supposed to be comforting?" Nova muttered to herself.

"Just for the record, Commander Dameron," Leia cut in, "I'm with the droid on this one."

"Thank you for the support, General," Poe deadpanned, letting out a heavy sigh. "Happy beeps."

"I'm not pulling you out if this goes wrong," Nova said pointedly, shifting in her seat. Her gaze flickered to her ship's systems, watching her newly installed overdrive thruster come online.

The technology was still experimental for the Resistance, and as such was only installed on two ships – Poe's and Nova's.

Poe had eagerly volunteered to test it, ever enthusiastic to make his ship the fastest in the Resistance fighter corps – to the surprise of no one. Nova had then volunteered her own fighter, stating she would need it if she wanted any hope of keeping Poe's 'reckless ass' out of too much trouble.

A notion he had scoffed at but deep down could not deny.

"Lucky for you, that won't be necessary," he said.

Nova sighed. "Let's just get this done and get outta here."

A brief silence followed while they waited for the Finalizer to accept their call. The static soon subsided, and the line was open.

"Attention. This is Commander Poe Dameron and Captain Nova of the Republic fleet. We have an urgent communique for General Hugs."

A reply came quickly – it seemed the enemy general could not resist the bait.

"This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms. There will be no surrender."

Nova grimaced at the malice in his voice.

Poe was unphased. "Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs."

"This is Hux," he spat. "You and your friends are doomed! We will wipe your filth from the galaxy!" Evidently, he liked hearing himself talk.

"Okay; I'll hold."

"You're insane," Nova muttered.

"I know. Shut up."

"Hello?" Hux sounded as though the wind had been taken out of his sails; an unfamiliar sensation to him.

"Still here," Nova assured, her own tone one of boredom.

"Can you – can they hear me?"

Poe continued. "Hugs? With an 'H'? Skinny guy, kinda pasty?"

Hux's patience was wearing thin. "I can hear you. Can you hear me?"

"Look, we can't hold forever. If you reach him, tell him Leia has an urgent message for him."

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