Chapter 32

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The aftershock of the battle having subsided, the Resistance had to keep moving forward. New leadership was to be instated, even if only temporarily, before their next move could be decided.

As such, the secondary flight deck had become the command bridge of the Raddus, and a meeting had been called.

All the remaining pilots and higher-ranking officers had assembled there, joined by those on the two remaining support ships, the Anodyne and the Ninka, by hologram.

Commander D'Acy held the floor reluctantly. "General Organa... Leia... is unconscious, but recovering. That's the only good news I have. Admiral Ackbar – all our leadership – are gone. Leia was the sole survivor on the bridge."

A murmur of shock and sadness rolled over everyone like a wave. The impact was still so surreal to them – heroes of the old wars they had grown up hearing stories of their great triumphs and escapes, wiped out in a second before their eyes.

Nova hung her head with a defeated sigh, fingers knitting together as a distraction.

"If she were here," D'Acy continued, "she would say 'save your sorrow for after the fight. And to that end. The chain of command is clear as to who should take her place. Vice Admiral Holdo, of the cruiser Ninka."

The introduction got Nova to raise her head – the name being an unfamiliar one. She had only had dealings with a handful of Resistance higher ups – usually only the very highest as she reported directly to Leia.

Poe's expression to the right of her had also caught her interest, and she was forced to restrain any sort of reaction to it. It seemed he had forgotten his demotion and where that put him in the General's good graces.

Vice Admiral Holdo took the floor. She was an older woman, no older than Leia at least; the years starting to show in her face. Her features were sharp, but her bright blue eyes held a certain kindness that softened them. She was dressed regally, and carried herself as such. Her grey dress swept the floor around her feet, and her lilac hair was neatly held in waves around her face.

She surveyed the room, looking to each individuals' expression – some sceptical, most still sorrowful. "Four hundred of us, on three ships. We're the very last of the Resistance, but we're not alone. In every corner of the galaxy, the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol, and they put their hope in it. We are the spark that will light the fire that will restore the Republic. That spark, this Resistance, must survive. That is our mission. Now to your stations, and may the Force be with us."

"That's Admiral Holdo?" Poe asked in a hushed tone, leaning across to Nova. "Battle of Chyron Belt Admiral Holdo?"

"Guess so," Nova muttered with a frown.

"Not what I expected," he said, leaving to approach the Vice Admiral.

Nova remained sitting, chewing the inside of her cheek, too late to protest Poe's action. She was certain her would have ignored her anyway.

The pilot manoeuvred his way through the dispersing crowd, reaching Holdo quickly. The speech had left him far from satisfied, with more questions than answers.

"Vice Admiral? Commander Dameron," he introduced himself – formality was not lost on him. "With our current fuel consumption there is a very limited amount of time that we can stay out of range of those Star Destroyers."

"Very kind of you to make me aware," Holdo replied flatly, not even sparing him a glance.

Another unsatisfactory answer for the pilot, but he would not be dismissed so easily. "And we need to shake 'em before we find a new base, so... what's our plan?"

"Our plan, Captain? No Commander, right? Wasn't it Leia's last official act to demote you?" Holdo's tone could almost be mistaken for amused, until her eyes set into a steely stare. "For your Dreadnought plan. Where we lost our entire bombing fleet?"

Poe sighed. It had been foolish of him to hope word of his demotion would not spread quickly. Word had a way of travelling fast in the Resistance, for better or for worse. It was a wonder anyone was able to keep any secrets.

Still, he was undeterred. "Captain, Commander, you can call me whatever you'd like. I just wanna know what's going on."

"Of course you do," Holdo smiled coolly. "I understand. I've dealt with plenty of trigger-happy flyboys like you. You're impulsive. Dangerous. And the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post, and follow my orders."

She stalked off without further comment, leaving Poe stunned into silence.

He took a second to collect his jumbled thoughts, unable to reach any sort of solid conclusion. With that, he too took his leave, exiting the bridge with BB-8 at his heels.

Nova watched the pair go, paying it little mind.

Her fingers had found a fresh occupation, toying with the bandage still wrapped around her left palm. It had started to loosen, slowly beginning to expose the burn underneath, doing its best to heal without the assistance of bacta. It still had a certain sting to it. She pulled it tight again, locking the wound away.

"Vice Admiral," she addressed respectfully, though she did not look up from her hands.

"Captain," Holdo returned, taking a seat beside her, voice low. "How're you holding up?"

Nova was swift with her deflection. "I'm fine."

The older woman sighed quietly, having somewhat expected such a reaction. A different approach was in order. One not quite so demanding of the present. "You know, I haven't seen you since you were a little girl. Back on Chandrila, before you left. But I suppose you don't remember."

"I don't remember a lot of my time on Chandrila, don't take it personally."

Seventeen years had passed since she had visited her home planet, and in that time her memories had began to fade into obscurity. Many she did not even want to remember at times, the memories of a happier time with her family to painful to recall, as it was now so far out of her reach. And any thought of her brother, even before the temple, was tainted and enough to make her sick.

Holdo did her best not to look hurt. "Well, you certainly got your father's attitude."

Nova briefly squeezed her eyes shut, left hand clenching into a fist around the bandage. Han was the last thing she wanted to think about. Besides, there were more pressing matters at hand.

"Do you have a plan?" She managed to speak the words rather than bite them.

Holdo let out a shallow sigh. "Yes. And I want you with me on this. It seems I'm down a certain Commander, and I could do with someone like you."

"Like what?" The young pilot finally turned to face her new leader. "That wasn't all Poe's fault. All those unnecessary deaths are on me." She paused, aware her voice was starting to rise to the point of mild hysterics. "I'm not like my mother; I'm not fit to lead. You'll have to find someone else."

Nova got up before Holdo could protest, striding off the bridge without looking back. Footsteps heavy with purpose, she headed straight for the makeshift quarters she had been assigned as a Captain, to find a change of clothes. With no ship, her stained and singed flight suit served little purpose other than a taunting reminder. 

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