Chapter 18

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Nova sighed, doing her best to push away the sense of dread that suddenly crawled through her skin. It felt so alive she imagined she could carve it out of herself if she so wished. A dark feeling of foreboding settled in her chest that she also tried to ignore.

She made her way to Finn, who had finished carefully juggling what looked to be explosives. Instead, he stood, looking somewhat nervous as she approached.

"You got a plan?" she asked, expectant and serious.

"Not yet," he admitted. "Glad I have time to come up with one."

"Better think quickly," she said.

He nodded.

Nova fell quiet, taking a moment to scrutinize him. Read him as well as she was able. There was more he was not telling her, that he was trying to hide. More that was not exactly tricky for her to decipher.

"You're really going for Rey, aren't you?"

Finn felt uncomfortable under her gaze – like she had accused him of a crime. His tongue failed him, and he stayed silent.

"Just, do us a favour and get that shield down first," she said, tone tinged with ice. "We only get one shot at this."

"I know. And I will," he said. "I promise."

Nova nodded solemnly. "Good luck."

"You too."

She could only hope he would keep his word. She had little reason to doubt him after all he had done for them, for her, but the thought still lingered. All she had to assure herself with was that he had no motive to betray them now – betray the Resistance, and he and Rey were as good as dead, if she was not already.

Jess was waiting for her at her ship; leaning against it, arms folded over her chest, looking expectant. By her boots was a droid, a BB unit, freshly painted in blue and white.

Nova had to laugh. "Not onto another droid already, 'Great Destroyer'?"

From the rear of the ship, Beren failed to stifle a snort.

Jess rolled her eyes. "Actually, they're for you. Since you had to leave Seebee on Castilon with that spy, you're in need of a co-pilot. This is Beebee-Six."

BB-6 whirred out their own greeting, happily moving away from Jess to circle their new master's ankles.

Nova crouched down to their level, resting her hand atop their head. "Thanks, Jess."

Jess gave a salute. "I'll see you up there."

She left for her own ship, meeting up with Karé on route.

Nova stood back to her full height. "Come on then, Bee. Let's get up there."

Beebee-Six whistled and whirred, rolling back to take their place aboard Nova's X-Wing.

Nova climbed the ladder, dropping herself into her cockpit with ease. Once situated, she began her final preparations - ensure for herself that all systems were online, and that BB-6 was situated. Tie her hair up into a rudimentary low bun to sit comfortably beneath her helmet. She pulled on her gloves, flexing her fingers inside the black leather.

"You're good to go, Captain," Beren called from below. "And Commander Dameron's here to see you."

"Thank you, Beren."

Leaning over the side, she caught sight of Poe's mop of dark curls, and his brown eyes looking up at her with a certain smile. With a good-natured roll of her eyes, she nodded for him to come up.

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