Chapter 12

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The room fell silent in an instant, all eyes drawn to the newcomers that warranted such a cry.

"Oh boy..." Han sighed in resignation. He should have expected nothing less from the eccentric woman, though he had hoped to remain a little more inconspicuous. "Hey, Maz!"

Activity resumed throughout the room, everyone going back to their food, drinks, and business.

Maz made her way through the crowd, looking over each member of the group with analytical eyes before addressing Han once more.

"Where's my boyfriend?"

Han shifted, looking a little uncomfortable. "Chewie's working on the Falcon."

"I like that Wookiee," she said, then abruptly turned to the oldest of the women. "Nova! Haven't seen you in these parts for a while. How's things?"

"They've been better," Nova admitted.

"The boyfriend?"

Her jaw clenched at the illusion. "He wasn't my boyfriend. But no, worse than that."

"My dear child." Maz had noticed the past tense, and gave her hand a squeeze. Then, she addressed the rest of the group – all business. "I assume you need something. Desperately. Let's get to it!"

She waved for them to follow, taking them through the crowd to a more secluded table. They drew a few eyes, but each of them tried not to think about it too much. They did not exactly fit the bill of regular patrons in that sort of place.

Taking their seats, an array of food was offered to them, which Rey dug into immediately without question. Han ate too, though with more decorum. Nova selected a single fruit, which she would nibble at intervals, having only a small appetite. Finn had lost his altogether.

Nova was more than happy for the excuse to stay quiet and let Han do the talking, as he had ordered.

The circumstances laid before her, Maz chuckled in astonished triumph. "A map to Skywalker himself? You're right back in the mess!"

"Maz, I need you to get this droid to Leia," Han said, leaning forward in his seat.

Maz thought for a second. "Hmm. No."

Finn and Rey looked up in surprise, while Nova only sat up straighter.

If Maz refused something, she always had her reasons.

"You've been running away from this fight for too long. Han, nyakee nago wadda. Go home!"

"Leia doesn't wanna see me," Han sighed. "Not after our daughter..."

"Please," Finn cut in. "We came here for your help."

"What fight?" Rey asked.

"The only fight there's been for generations," Nova said. "The one against the dark side."

Maz nodded in agreement. "Through the ages, I've seen evil take many forms. The Sith. The Empire. Today, it is the First Order. Their shadow is spreading across the galaxy. We must face them. Fight them. All of us."

"There is no fight against the First Order. Not one we can win!" Finn's voice had taken on a cold tone, as had his face. He leaned forward, glancing around his companions. "Look around. There's no chance we haven't been recognised already."

"Finn," Nova cut in warily.

He ignored her. "I bet you the First Order is on their way right –"

Maz's goggles clicked as she adjusted them, enlarging her eyes to an alarming degree. She climbed onto the table, crawling forward with little regard for any cups or plates in her path.

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