Chapter 26

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It was strange how normal everything was the next morning. Everyone was back to their business around base; maybe with a bit more bounce in their step than before, but that was the be expected. The high of victory was still fresh in the air, but the knowledge that it was only the first step to victory was heavier.

Nova stood outside the medbay, BB-6 rocking back and forth by her ankles. Head down, arms folded across her chest, one foot pressed back against the wall. The bags under her eyes were smaller than usual – after falling back asleep she had spent the rest of the night undisturbed with Poe secure beside her. Subsequently, she had not left his room until he was awake. She had tried to move once, but his arm still firmly wrapped around her waist had stopped her – not that she had complained on her part.

She was not the only one who needed someone. Poe did too. And while she could not be all that he wanted her to be, all that her heart wanted her to be, the least she could do was be there for him as he was there for her. She did not have to imagine the nightmares and anxieties plaguing him since Jakku – after that, they needed each other more than ever.

By the time Nova had made it back to her room for a change of clothes and a shower, Rey had already awoken and gone to the medbay to check on Finn.

Nova had felt it best to wait outside and give the young girl some space with her friend – who knew how long it would be until she returned?

Poe and BB-8 quietly joined her, the former smartly dressed in his Resistance issued uniform – a formality Nova staunchly avoided at every opportunity. Then again, it was rare also rare for Poe to be in uniform, tending to favour his civilian clothes or his flight suit.

Eyebrows raised sceptically, she looked him up and down, the hint of a smirk on her lips.

He frowned in response. "What?"

"What's the occasion?" she inquired, somewhere between amused and incredulous.

"What?" His tone was more indignant this time.

"I think I prefer the scrappy, hot-shot pilot look on you," she said. Reaching forward, she managed to ruffle up his dark curls – still a little damp from the shower – before he caught her wrist.

"Okay, the hair is off limits, Organa," he chuckled.

She rolled her eyes, gently prying her wrist free. "Good to see destroying a super weapon hasn't changed you."

He smiled, perhaps a little smug, but that was not out of character. Things truly were going back to some semblance of normal.

Nova returned the smile by a fraction – the most she could manage. Her family matters still weighed heavy on her mind, the doubt still lingering in the shadows.

"What are you thinking?"

She glanced back to meet his gaze. "Nothing."

"You still not going?"

She shook her head, exhaling a sharp puff of air scornfully. "You really think I could?"

"This isn't about what I think," Poe countered.

"I can't go now. The First Order has to be destroyed. That comes first."

"He's still your family."

"The First Order killed my father, like hell I'm gonna leave and let them get my mother too."

"You know I'd never let that happen, Nova. Hell, Leia wouldn't let that happen."

"I know." She had to smile at that. They were more than capable of managing without her, but both her head and her heart told her to stay. Her sense of self, her duty, lay with the Resistance, not with the fallen religion of the Jedi. "But I also know my place is here. I feel it, ya'know?"

Poe nodded. He did know, for his sense of duty and hope also kept him with the Resistance, amongst other things. Though he suspected there to be more to Nova words that he could never quite understand, as there often was.

Nova straightened herself, putting a smile back on her face. "Anyway, I'm not about to leave my wing-man any time soon."

"Commander Dameron!"

Major Brance's voice cut through the quiet of the hallway, bouncing off the stone walls of the tunnel.

Reflexively, Nova took a step back from Poe, quietly clearing her throat.

Brance looked between the pair with a frown. "Sorry, to interrupt. General Organa wants a word."

"Of course," Poe replied, turning back to address Nova. "I'll see you later."

Nova nodded, leaning back on the wall as she and BB-6 were left alone once more. The droid looked up at her, their head cocked to one side curiously, letting out a short set of beeps and chirps.

Nova gave them an unimpressed look. "Not even two days, and you're already commenting on my relationship to him?"

They beeped back defensively.

"You know, you're lucky you're cute."

They rocked back and forth, chirping a mischievous comment.

"Oh, shut up."

The door to the medbay slid open, and Rey immerged to join her in the hallway. She started, surprised to find the older woman waiting for her. Her quarterstaff, slung comfortably over her shoulder, clinked against the wall behind her.

"How is he?" asked Nova quietly.

"They said he'll be fine," she murmured. "No telling when he'll be awake though."

"He's in safe hands," she gently assured. "We don't have much, but what we do have is damn good."

Rey nodded, finding comfort in her words. There was no reason left to doubt her. "You didn't come back last night."

"Sorry. Something came up."

"It's fine," she sighed, bowing her head. The same question from the day before still gnawed at her brain. Hesitant to voice it again, she elected instead to stay silent, unsure what to say.

Nova was the one to raise the subject, almost like she had sensed what she had been thinking. "I still can't go with you."

"I know," Rey answered quickly. "It's just... am I strong enough to do this?"

"Only one way to find out." The pilot offered a sympathetic smile. "Leia believes in you. So do I, and so would Finn. You're strong, Rey. Luke can help you refine that strength."

Rey still looked uncertain, but before she could counter, they were being approached by a lieutenant – Connix to be exact.

The newly promoted operations controller was shorter than both women, though she carried herself smartly. Her blonde hair was neatly held up in two buns atop her head. She addressed Nova when she spoke. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Captain. But, the Falcon is ready to go."

"Thank you, we'll be right there."

Turning back to Rey, she gave a final nod of reassurance, to which the scavenger managed a smile.

"Trust me, you can do this. We'll see each other soon."


Nova squinted in the still emerging sunlight. She was among those as the front of the assembled crowd, watching as the Millennium Falcon made its departure. The roar of the engines filled the fresh morning air.

The entire base had turned out to send the small crew on their way. It was to be imagined most of them, certainly those on the younger side, wanted to see the legendary ship that helped destroy both Death Stars and did the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

BB-6 followed their master's gaze, guessing whatever she was doing was important enough to copy.

It made Nova smile.

Leia and Poe stood on either side of her in silence, BB-8 once again at Poe's side. Just as they had been before the hurricane of events had hit over the last few days.

While a new hope surrounded her, Nova could not shake the sense of foreboding. Starkiller Base had merely been the beginning. The worst was yet to come.

She could only hope they were ready to face it. 

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