Chapter 46

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"You should be asleep," Poe said softly, leaning against the door.

Nova did not turn around, keeping her eyes fixed unseeingly on the vast emptiness of hyperspace laid out before her. "So should you."

Poe smiled to himself and moved to take the seat beside her. He took in her appearance; the slight shadows under her eyes, her unbrushed hair and her crumpled shirt all being commonplace. But contrast to that was her demeanour – calm and content.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest to see her like that. It was a rarity he savoured every chance he got.

Nova turned her chair to better face her boyfriend. Blue light danced over both their faces and reflected in their brown eyes. "Why are you up?"

"Because you are. Did you really think I wouldn't notice you were gone?"

"No," she said, her voice quiet and a little distant. "I just couldn't sleep. I had some stuff on my mind."

"Like what?" He reached out for her hand, gently tugging her to move.

Nova did not resist, her fatigue beginning to catch up with her. She allowed her body to be guided into Poe's lap, her head falling to rest on his shoulder automatically. A soft smile rested on her lips as she felt his strong arms weave around her waist. "Nothing that needs worrying about."

"Can't help it," he jokingly whined, gently pushing his face into her neck. "Force of habit."

"You know I hate it."

"You're going to have to live with it. You're my girlfriend now, I'm not going to be as subtle about it."

"You were subtle before?" Nova teased, leaning back to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, shut up," the brunette lightly grumbled. "I can be subtle."

The couple lapsed into comfortable silence; content to enjoy each other's company. No words were needed while the ship around them slept. All they needed was the soft sounds of their breathing and the quiet beeps of the Millennium Falcon's systems.

Nova returned her head to Poe's shoulder, one arm draping itself around him for stability. The chain of her necklace slipped by the collar of her shirt; the heart shaped pendent coming into view.

Poe traced it, feeling the delicate pattern of the engraved flowers and leaves under his finger. "I remember when I gave you this."

"Hmm," Nova hummed, glancing down at it. "Still don't know how you found out when my birthday was."

"That's for me to know," he said, moving his hand back to her waist. "Come back to sleep."

His voice was heavy with sleep and he had to stifle a yawn, nuzzling his head further into Nova's neck.

"I'm comfortable here," she murmured, adjusting her position in his lap. "And it's not like you're letting me move anyway."

He chuckled against her skin and tightened his embrace. "S'pose not."

She leaned back to look at him again. With a gentle smile, she pushed a hand through his dishevelled curls, letting the softness run between her fingers.

He looked up too, unashamedly admiring her. Adoration shone bright in his dark, tired eyes.

Their eyes scanned the other's face, memorising every detail. Every perfect imperfection. Every cut and fading bruise.

They met in a tender kiss – undemanding, innocent and all together loving. Binding one to the other. They lingered there for a minute, eyes closed and lips lightly ghosting.

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