Chapter 30

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The cool air of the hanger felt entirely too close for Nova's comfort. The usual post-battle bustle of pilots, droids and mechanics was too loud as her canopy lifted, stripping away her last wall of safety.

She slid from the cockpit, ignoring the ladder in favour of a quicker descent. The dull ache that came with the impact of landing spread through her legs, grounding her.

BB-6 dropped out of the X-Wing to join her. They watched her, rolling back and forth, a little uncertain. They offered a nervous whir, an attempt at cheering up or reassuring their master, followed by a gentle knock of their head into her shin.

Nova acknowledged the gesture, kneeling to press a hand to the dome of their head. Her gaze remained fixed ahead, brown eyes unfocused as she remained lost in her unpleasant thoughts. Trapped.

She straightened at Beren's arrival. The relaxed expression on her face irrationally agitated her.

The mechanic stopped short as she took in Nova's uninviting state. "How'd it go?" she inquired tentatively, testing the waters.

"Not important," Nova snapped darkly, doing her best not to think about it. "I need you to check my starboard engine."

Beren nodded, swallowing her nervousness. "Yes, Captain."

Nova refrained from any further comment towards the woman – she did not deserve to be on the receiving end of her aggressions. Nor did she feel comfortable snapping at those who she was above in the chain of command.

The mechanic left without another word, though her grip on her wrench was tighter than necessary.

BB-6 offered another chirp.

"I'm alright pal," she muttered. "Come on."

The pair made their way towards Poe's X-Wing, finding him and BB-8 still situated aboard the fighter. The orange and white droid looked a little worse for wear, while Poe wore his usual post-battle glow. Unphased by the mess they had just orchestrated, at least to Nova's eyes.

She found the strength to pull herself up to sit on the wing of the ship, legs dangling over the edge. Once secure, she set about loosening her flight vest and suit, trying to ease the tension in her chest, with only minor results.

"You did good out there, Nova," Poe praised, smiling until he took in her uncomfortable demeanour. His face was drawn into a frown as he shifted to better face her. "What is it?"

"I –" she cut herself off, afraid her voice would fail her along with words. "Never mind."

"No, don't 'never mind' me. Something's bothering you. What happened?"

She shook her head. "I'm fine."

"Nova, please. You don't have to lie to me."

Before she could protest and push herself further into a losing battle, a series of excited beeps from BB-8 interrupted the conversation. She glanced to the droid in confusion, his phrasing having been disjointed and borderline nonsensical.

Poe shared in her bemusement. "Finn naked leaking bag, what? Did you fry a chip?"

BB-8 let out as close to a sigh as a unit of his design could manage, paired with the droid equivalent of an eye roll. He reemphasised his statement, pushing his companions' attention to the entrance of the hanger.

The confusion lifted when they saw Finn, indeed half-naked and leaking bacta from all sections of the medical suit. To say he looked lost was an understatement – he barely looked awake from where they were standing.

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