Chapter 23

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Nova's gaze remained fixed on the tarmac as she walked. She did her best to ignore it, but she was very conscious of the looks people were giving her. Word always travelled fast through the ranks of the Resistance – comparable to wildfire sometimes.

Poe made sure to keep her close the entire time, setting a purposeful pace as they walked. He hoped to actively discourage anyone from trying to approach them; the last thing either of them wanted to do was answer questions or respond to sympathies. The time for that would inevitably come, but if he could postpone it for Nova's sake and state of mind, he would.

They made it to the medbay with little difficulty. And soon enough, Nova was sat on one of the cots, burned palm turned upwards for examination.

"Did she seem alright to you?" she murmured, as loud as she felt she was able.

Poe glanced to her from his seat beside her. "Hmm?"

"My mom. You saw her. Did she seem alright?"

He sighed. "No. She was strong but – she was distant."

She nodded.

Selah made quick work of dressing and bandaging the wound. She did her best to make idle conversation as she did so, but it was hardly the appropriate atmosphere. It was like a heavy blanket had fallen over the base as if to smother the usual, somewhat high spirits. Poe answered any questions put to either of them.

Neither pilot could stop their eyes occasionally wondering over to where the rest of the medical staff were occupied with Finn. They worked in a quiet frenzy, utilising what seemed to be every supply they had access to.

"Do you know what happened?" Nova asked her carer quietly.

Selah sighed. "Took one too many hits from a lightsaber. One right up his spine. None of us have seen anything like it. I didn't even know those weapons were real anymore."

Nova grimaced at the thought, raising her free hand to her own scar.

"Doctor Kalonia is hopeful. Says he's in stable condition and recovering. He'll pull through."

"He better," Poe muttered.

Nova gave his hand a squeeze, smirking to herself.

"You're good to go," Selah said, delicately tying off the bandage. "And I don't want to see you back in here again any time soon, Captain."

Her smirk widened at the good-natured tease. "Yes ma'am."

The pilots left the medbay in silence, making their way out to the hallway. Nova once again held willingly in Poe's embrace. They did not pass many people on their route to the control centre, as most of them had assembled there already.

Black Squadron were the first to reach them when they entered. Jess enveloped Nova in a hug, while Karé placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Snap took his place beside Poe, exchanging a mournful look with the commander. The final member, a Squamatan named Suralinda, also joined them – shooting Nova a sympathetic look from a distance.

Nova maintained her strong façade for her teammates. With a pained smile and reassuring nod, she broke away from the embrace. She was coping. She would be okay.

She spotted her mother across the room. Sitting alone, leaning on her elbow against the control panel. Her despair was deep – she looked just as broken up as Nova was – though she was concealing it with much more dignity and control. She was not exactly short of practise. She had lost everything before.

Her eyes lit up with relief at the sight of her daughter. They shared a look of feelings too powerful and sad for words to describe before Nova was in her arms.

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