Chapter 42

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Nova returned to the command centre, finding the silence that had fallen over the base somehow heavier in that one room. No on was speaking, making the radio static of silence much louder and intrusive. Remaining in the doorway, any hope she had found during the heat of the skirmish began to dwindle inside her chest.

"Our distress signal's been received at multiple points," Connix finally reported. "But no response."

"They've heard us, but no one's coming," D'Acy said.

The room looked to Leia – the world-weary General sinking into a seat. So many losses over countless battles in two wars, all for nothing. But now, not even she could give them hope. To do so would be dishonest.

"We fought 'til the end, but the galaxy has lost all its hope," she sighed, her voice rough. "The spark is out."

Nova swallowed, chewing the inside of her cheek, and hanging her head despondently.

It could be felt throughout the entire base that everyone had lost what drive they had left; the silence carried it like sand in a storm on Tatooine.

The quiet was disturbed by footsteps. Slow and purposeful ones, softly echoing as the drew closer, coming from a darkened tunnel at the back of the room. All eyes were drawn to it, some curious, most fearful.

Nova tensed as the source appeared.

A figure, dressed in dark robes – the recognisable robes of a Jedi. Two hands, one exposed, one covered by a glove, reached for the hood, carefully pushing it back to reveal a face. Bright blue eyes set in an aging face; features accentuated by a beard that was just starting to turn grey.

"Luke!" Leia gasped, watching her brother approach in disbelief. For a moment, she thought she must be hallucinating, but everyone else's eyes following the legendary Jedi convinced her of his presence.

He sat across from her silently, his movements still slow and considered.

"I know what you're going to say," she said, even at the end still managing some humour. "I changed my hair."

"It's nice that way." Luke managed a soft smile, though it was fleeting. "Leia... I'm sorry."

"I know. I know you are. I'm just glad you're here, at the end."

His expression was grave. "I came to face him, Leia. And I can't save him."

What would have pierced her soul like a shard of glass now felt like nothing more than a dull ache to Leia. "I held out hope for so long, but I know my son is gone."

Nova averted her gaze. She had accepted the truth many years ago that her brother was gone. In part she even resented her mother for having hope that he could still come home. But, deep down, she could not fault her for doing so. It was in her nature, not just as a mother to them both, but as who she had always been. And without that nature, Nova would not have been brought home.

"No one's ever really gone," Luke said quietly. Slowly, he reached out for Leia's hand, placing an item in her palm.

Drawing back, Leia was met with the familiar pair of golden dice, always seen swinging in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Even before she had known him, Han had had those there, as some form of souvenir or good luck charm from a time in his youth.

He rose from his seat, leaning forward to plant a single kiss to his sister's forehead, before parting from her. Then, he turned for the door, and his gaze fell on his niece.


She made herself look at him, holding herself stiffly.

"You grew up."

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