Chapter 41

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The plan was simple enough. Dangerous, and borderline insane, but simple. Use what defences they could scramble to combat the First Order head on, pray to whatever Gods existed throughout the innumerable religions of the galaxy that someone would get their message, and try to not die in the process.


High up in the side of the mountain, slots attached to the old hanger opened, ejecting the ski speeders out into the open. Their fall was controlled, each one hitting the salt flats rather unceremoniously. The crafts lurched until their mono-skis were engaged, dragging across the ground to keep them on track in their path towards the enemy. Each one creating its own striking tail of red, crystalline dirt.

Nova's stomach had naturally lurched at the drop – freefalling not exactly being her preferred way of flying – but the brisk wind and dry smell of salt hitting her face overpowered the unpleasant sensation.

She and Poe held a leading position; the eleven other craft pulling up around them in formation. The leaders shared an affirming glance and nod – Nova having appointed Poe as her second in command for the battle. She still trusted him to make the right calls where needed, or to defer to her otherwise.

"Alright, listen up. I don't like these rust buckets, and I don't like our odds –" Poe cut himself off as his boot went through a loose panel. "Just keep it tight. And don't get drawn in too close until they roll that cannon out front."

"We can't match their firepower at this range," Nova said. "But we can out-manoeuvre them until we get an opening. Ground forces, engage and cover us!"

The heavy artillery cannons opened up, sending bolts streaking across the battlefield. The impact was felt in waves, though little damage was inflicted to the armoured walkers.

Nova surveyed the First Order once more, noting their numerous advantages. Each leviathan was armed with a turbolaser, and as such structured to brace against the recoil that came with firing. Above them hung a command shuttle she recognised as belonging to Kylo Ren. She could feel his presence looming, undoubtably watching over the field, commanding his forces to wipe them out without mercy.

The chilling and familiar screech of TIE fighters pierced the sky, the ships coming into view like birds of prey.

"Fighters! Break off!" Nova ordered.

The speeders scattered; trails of red weaving in and out of each other as a dozen chases commenced. TIEs were hot in pursuit, tearing up the ground with every pair of shots. The thick curtains of dust made it hard to navigate, and they had no way of fighting back. Even if the speeders' guns were not crippled and rusted, they could not get to the required altitude without getting shot down immediately.

The metal groaned and squeaked as it grazed the ground at unexpected angles, barely holding together under the pressure.

"We've gotta hold 'em til they pull up that cannon!" Poe yelled.

"Well, any ideas are welcome!" Nova shot back, knuckles turning white as she gripped her steering yoke tighter.

The TIEs had easily surrounded them from the air, with at least two to a speeder, trailing them with laser fire. The excess – of which there were many – headed behind to target the Resistance forces in the trench and cannons, and made another attempt at the shield door.

"Rose, you've got three right behind you!" Finn warned the mechanic.

"I can't lose them!" she yelped back frantically.

Nova clenched her jaw, desperately trying to produce a counterattack. But fortunately, she did not have to think for long, or even implement any attack herself.

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