Chapter 35

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Six hours of fuel left, and tensions were starting to rise across the entirety of the Raddus.

Another meeting had been called, summoning everyone back to bridge once again. It could only be hoped that Holdo would shed light onto her long-term plan, if she even had one to share.

Poe and Nova were still uneasy as they headed for the bridge, naturally in step with one another despite their hectic thoughts. No word had come through from Finn and Rose as to their mission, or of anything. Time was a luxury wearing thin.

They took a position near the front of the congregation, watching the Vice Admiral closely as she addressed the room.

"The smaller ships will run out of fuel first. We need to start evacuating their crews to here. Starting with the medical frigate."

Poe glanced at the crowd, noting much uncertainty. Rigid backs and eyes fixed on various screens. Upon looking at Holdo, it seemed she did not sense the same discomfort he did. Or perhaps she was refusing to acknowledge it.

Nova chewed the inside of her cheek. It was not exactly ideal – they were pushed for ships as it was, having lost the Vigil in the attack hours earlier. But, it could still work to their advantage. It would be easier to jump one ship out of reach of the First Order before they realised what hit them, compared to attempting to jump three. It could take too long.

"So, we abandon the Anodyne," Poe said, unmistakably agitated. "What changes after that, Admiral? What happens when there are no ships left to abandon?"

Holdo fixed him with a stern stare.

"You want a daring plan," she stated coolly. "Single-handed day-saving against impossible odds. That's what you're after?"

Nova stepped in, matching Holdo's icy demeanour. "We want to know that we have a plan passed the next six hours."

"When the time is right, you will," Holdo said, though it was far from reassuring. "There will be no daring plans or idiot heroics on my watch."

"You're going to destroy everything Leia has built. And for what?" Poe snapped.

"You are here to serve the Resistance, Captain Dameron, not a princess."

Nova's jaw clenched.

"Follow my orders. Somebody has to save this fleet from its heroes."

With that, she turned her back on them, silently dismissing them to their posts.

"Maybe we should have gone to Cantonica," Poe grumbled as he and Nova made for the exit.

"I think the warrant out for our arrest would have complicated things," she muttered back.

Killing and robbing a high ranking First Order officer on the steps of the infamous Canto Bite casino shot down any chance of a warm welcome back.

"Captain Organa."

The pair stopped short at the door.

"A word."

Nova exhaled sharply. "I'll catch up."

Poe nodded, leaving her to return to Holdo in silence.

The captain stood tall on her approach, radiating an undeniable defiance in the Vice Admiral's presence. Whatever Holdo had to say to her, she did not plan to take any of it lying down.

"I'm not your enemy, Captain."

"You'll forgive me for expecting a little transparency from my leaders," Nova retorted.

"Would I be in this position if Leia didn't trust my abilities?" Holdo's voice remained quiet and controlled as ever, something the younger woman was beginning to find infuriating.

"I'm not questioning your abilities, or the trust you have from Leia. But I am not my mother, and if you know even a single thing about me, you're gonna have to start talking a little more before I trust you as my leader."

Holdo sighed, levelling her gaze at Nova. She saw so much of Leia in her – the same fire and determination. She would have to try a different approach, knowing it would be a losing battle to stand her own ground against Nova any longer.

"Know when you're beaten. Standing and fighting isn't always the way to win. If we lose, and we die today, everything we've done will have been for nothing. But if we retreat and survive, hope survives. For our allies, for the galaxy."

Nova paused, letting everything tick over in her mind. She had been forced to run to survive, and it ate her up everyday that she had not stood her ground. But if she had, there was no way she could have survived, and darkness would have continued to grow regardless of her sacrifice.

"Are we clear?" Holdo asked calmly.

Nova swallowed her pride, nodded, and strode off the bridge in silence.


The Anodyne was already falling behind the rest of the fleet by the time Nova was on board to assist in the evacuation. Before long, it would slip by the safety of the Raddus' shielding, leaving it exposed to enemy fire. Without the protection, it would be torn to pieces in seconds as soon as it fell into range of the First Order. Blast after blast continued to rattle the ship around them, and fuel was about to run out.

The final transports had yet to be loaded with remaining personnel and what supplies they could shift. The whole procedure was taking too long.

It was going to be a close escape.

Nova wiped her hands on her trousers, painting the khaki green fabric with smears of bacta and spilt medical supplies, mingling with sweat. With a sigh, she pushed herself back into her task, rushing back to assist a pair of younger medics. It distracted her from the conversation with Holdo replaying in her head.

As much as she hated to admit it, she could not deny the sway the Vice Admiral's words had had on her. Her reasonings were sound, that was undeniable. There was no fight against the First Order they could hope to survive with their current resources. Black Squadron had been sent out to bring more people in, but that gave them no help in their declining timeframe.

She passed Poe in the hallway, avoiding meeting his gaze. She knew he had noticed her change in demeanour since being dismissed from the bridge, but had yet to try and address it with her. She had become more distant, feeling unable to be around him until she had had time to consider all their options with a new perspective, and revaluate her position in the plans.

Poe took every chance he could to glance at Nova, trying to figure out what was going through her head. What Holdo could have possibly said to get to her in such a manner. Whatever it was, he did not like it. He had accepted long ago that Nova would remain mostly unreadable to him, but under the circumstances, it was starting to get to him.

The final two transports cleared the exit of the Anodyne's hanger mere seconds before the final fuel reserves ran out. All systems shut down, leaving it dead in space with only its brave captain left on board. It drifted out of the safe hold of the Raddus and was captured by First Order fire almost instantly.

Nova leaned against the glass; her face faintly illuminated in orange as she watched everything break apart in silence.

Poe joined her, watching on anxiously and muttering to himself, just loud enough so that only he and Nova could hear. "Finn, Rose, where are you guys?"

Nova spared a glance at his face. She knew by that point he was suspicious of her doubts, it was clear in his features something more than the mission to Canto Bight was bothering him.

It was going to be a long six hours.

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