Chapter 20

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The ground below her was rough and cold, but the air was hot and thick, smelling unmistakably of burning wood. The sky was obscured by a blanket of black smoke, the only light coming from the flames that now engulfed every structure around, orange flames reaching up to the sky like desperate hands.

Nova's eyes snapped open, and she pushed herself to her feet. Her legs shook as she stood, coughing and raising an arm to shield her face from the smoke. Her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour in her chest.

It was a scene she had lived a thousand times in her nightmares, every time the same. No mystery – just a horrible memory. A reminder of where the woman she was now had come from.

She forced herself to make it through the smoke, standing tall as she reached the other side. The air was clearer there – easier to see through and breathe.

She glanced to the temple, the place she had called a home of sorts for eleven years of her life, now set ablaze. There was no use wasting tears over it – it had hardly been a happy place for her.

Her body froze where she stood, there but not there as her gaze moved to the party of four, three standing, one fallen.

The young Twi'lek lay motionless, her once beautiful body now cruelly mutilated by scars and burns. what blue skin was still unharmed and visible seemed to glow in the light. She was face down on the ground, but Nova knew her jade green eyes were still open.

Her name had been Elara. She had been one of Nova's closest friends at the temple. Now, she was only a tarnished body. Beaten and broken by someone Nova had trusted – at least to some extent.

Two girls stood above the body, both equally dishevelled in appearance. They looked similar, both with fair skin and brown hair, but not so similar that one could mistake them for twins or even sisters.

The first was the taller of the pair, and the oldest – though not by much. Her hair was fluffy, reaching comfortably to her chest, and styled to stay out of her eyes. She stood firm, carrying herself with a certain level of pride and control compared to her companion.

The second was far less controlled. She was shorter – though not by much – and her hair was longer and messier, falling out of the rough updo she had attempted to put it in. Her eyes burned with anger, her breathing heavy as she glowered at their opponent.

The first girl held the second's hand tightly, keeping her by her side silently.

Before them stood a boy. Taller and older than them both with black hair that nearly reached his shoulders. His eyes also held rage, though it was far more ferocious than that of the girl's. in his right hand he gripped his ignited lightsaber, the clean blue blade offensive against the orange tinted light.

Nova tensed as she looked at him.

The second girl found her voice, her free hand clenched into a tight fist.

Nova looked down at her own hands, not at all surprised to see the gesture replicated. She had grown used to seeing herself in her nightmares, she knew how it played out.

"How could you do this, Ben?" she spat at her brother, voice shaking and catching in her throat. Her breathing became heavier with every breath, the rage continuing to build and build.

"Nova, don't," the first said, squeezing her hand.

A tear was pulled to Nova's eye as she remembered the sensation. Only once had it failed to calm her; the moment she was now forced to relive.

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