Chapter Forty Eight: The Awakening

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Early the next day, all of Night Raid and their four Gods are standing in front of a large map of the Capital. As they look at the map, formulating a plan, Najenda turns to them and says, "In just a few more hours the assault on the Imperial Capital will commence. Upon discovery of their Undead Cavalry, our plans have slightly changed, so listen carefully." "An undead army, a lot like Yatsuhusa's powers... Could it be...?", Run begins to ask and Minazuki responds with, "More than likely, Shol absorbed the slight amount of power from Yatsuhusa's shards and added its power to his own." "So he isn't just aiming for our powers, but any Imperial Arm. This is...troublesome.", Esdeath says with a slightly irritated tone. As she hears this, she sighs and continues on, saying, "Shol clearly isn't someone to be ignored. If we give him the chance, he might just absorb our Imperial Arms into himself for more power, not to mention additional abilities. Even with this, the plan will remain mostly unchanged. Akame, Sheele, Chelsea, and Leone will infiltrate the Imperial Palace to eliminate major players in the Empire before meeting up to fight the Prime Minister. Lubbock, Susanoo, and myself will be joining the General Offensive and I'll personally lead the Imperial Arms Troops." Tatsumi, Sheele, Akame, Leone and Chelsea all nod while Lubbock only looks at her with a confused glance. "So we'll be out in the open? That sounds pretty dangerous.", Lubbock notes with a slightly worried look. Najenda nods and says, "It's to draw out Shol's Undead Army. If we can use our Imperial Arms to destroy them before they can obliterate our forces, then we'll have a much better chance of winning this war." She looks over to the four Gods and says, "As for you four, you will be our breachers. You four will approach the wall and bring down the wall around the Capital. Once that happens, all four forces of the Rebel Army will attack all at once and all they'll have left to defend them is their numbers." "Once the wall's down, the Empire will have no other choice but to deploy every soldier they have to defend the four entrances. This will leave the Palace heavily undefended, so make sure you four take full advantage of the chaos.", Budo suggests as he looks to the map. Najenda sighs and adds, "I know this will put a great deal of pressure on all of you, but to be sure we are able to win this war, I'll need you four to split up and eliminate four of our final targets all at once before grouping up to eliminate the Prime Minister and end all of this." The four assassins nod and Chelsea shrugs with a smirk before saying, "Kill just one guy? That isn't too hard~ This'll be child's play!" "This does seem simple compared to what we've already been through, but these targets are the highest members of the Imperial's corruption, so it's likely they'll have heavy defenses.", Sheele adds, pushing more toward the side of caution. Leone just slams her fist into her open hand before saying, "It doesn't matter what defenses they have, we'll just butcher them all and group up to fry that pig of a Prime Minister! There's no way we can lose." "No one's going to have it easy out there, but I know we can all handle ourselves.", Akame adds as she looks to her team-mates. 

Najenda smiles to her subordinates before reaching into her jacket to pull out wanted posters of each of their targets. She pins each of the wanted posters up one at a time after saying, "It's time to go over Night Raid's final targets!!!" As she pins the first one to the wall, they see a well dressed man with a baby face and short hair, and she says, "Koukei, Minister of Military Affairs. For diverting munitions and arms through illegal channels for his own private profit along with conspired with the Prime Minister to slander Generals that opposed him, then had them found guilty of crimes they did not commit, he must be punished for his crimes." She places another face onto the board near the bottom of the map, this time it's a man with short, well-kept black hair, glasses and a handlebar mustache,as she says, "Saikyuu, the Prime Minister's aid and cohort in all his evil deeds. He is a man of great ability and even darker temperament. He was the one who thought of establishing the assassination squad in order to execute the Rebels. For his crimes against humanity, he must be put down." The third picture she posts to the right of the last is that of a balding man with crossed eyes and an evil grin, and she continues, saying, "Youkan, a bottom-feeder psychopath. Unlike Saikyuu, he has no abilities or talents whatsoever. He entertained all sorts of distractions in order to entertain the Prime Minister. Many of these acts included murdering people after predicting an outcome from the act like crying or what gender their unborn child was. For these inhuman acts, this beast must be sent to hell." "And then we have Dousen.", she continues as she puts another man's face up on the board, this time it's a man with pulled back black hair, large ears, and three chins. "He extorted vast amounts of money from all regions across the Empire at the cost of great suffering to the people. By doing so, he climbed the ranks and gained success through bribery and payoffs. For the pain that he caused the people of this great land, he must be brought to justice.", she explains as she pulls one last photo from her jacket. She tosses the photo into the air and chucks a knife at it, pinning the picture to the board right on top of the palace's location on the map. The photo is of Prime Minister Honest, though it looks almost demonic as hes looking at a downward angle with an evil grin on his face. With the knife holding the picture up by the Minister's forehead, Najenda finishes, saying, "Prime Minister Honest! With an insatiable desire for political power, he is the very root of all the evil that has corrupted this country! To truly end all of this, we must make sure that this man meets his end!" "Fufufu, all the big players have finally come out to play for the final battle! My fists are itchin for some action!!", Leone exclaims in her excitement. Najenda looks to them and says, "it's possible the targets may possess Imperial Arms, be they that of their guards or their very own weapons, it doesn't matter. Do not take any chances with these beasts. Capturing them might also lead to their possible escape, so bringing them in alive is not mandatory. Kill them on sight with extreme prejudice. If you cannot make it a public execution, then be sure to put the corpse on display. This will be an important detail in the calming of the people." All four of the assassins nod as Akame says, "We'll handle it." Najenda continues on, saying, "Even if the walls and the Palace fall, these men will do anything to try to protect themselves and survive. We don't know what means they'll use to that end. If you can, make sure you kill them before they have to step a single foot off the Palace grounds. But above all else, focus on your assassination targets, not their guards. These lowly vermin, no matter what happens, if they don't fall, the rage of the persecuted will never be quelled! If any of them escape, that's as good as losing this war!!" "We understand, Boss. We'll be sure to eliminate our targets, no matter what.", Sheele says to her with a nod as the three girls nod as well. Akame then turns to Tatsumi and says, "After we've eliminated the Prime Minister, I swear we'll come back to help you fight off what's left of the undead army." Tatsumi nods and says, "Yeah, I'll be pulling out all the stops from where I am too!" 

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