Chapter Three

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It was at the end of the day, when Mathias was going home, that he was stopped, not once, but twice. The first time was unexpected, he was starting to walk down to the trail which would help him get to his house sooner, when Ludwig Beilschmidt stopped him.

"Hey, er, Matthew?" he asked, thinking that since some teachers called him 'Matt' his name must've been Matthew.

"You missed him, he's on the bus," Mathias answered, not thinking Ludwig, academic and athletic protege would want to stop him.

"What–nein, I wanted to talk to you," he shook his head and came into pace with the Dane. Mathias had always wondered why he'd often stray into German words, while Gilbert's English was perfect, he wasn't about to ask though.

"Oh? Okay then," Mathias mumbled, looking at the paved path.

"About my brother, I, er, I heard he gave you my number, and," he caught a glimpse of his brother through the trees, he pulled the shorter blonde down, subconsciously.

"Schwester?" Gilbert called out into the woods, as if he had forgotten about their disagreement–Ludwig knew better though.

"What the hell man!" Mathias screeched, he hated physical contact.

"Bruder! I hear you there!" he ran over to the path, they were still covered by trees though.

"Verdammt," Ludwig huffed, Mathias had made too much noise and there Gilbert was. Smirking while standing in front of them.

"Well that was fast, I didn't think Bruder had his phone on him," he chuckled, as if they were having a friendly conversation.

"My phone? Nein, Bruder, I," he sighed. Gilbert took a picture. What a great brother he was no? It was a picture of Ludwig: the star 10th grade student, and Mathias: the quiet 11th grader, together, sitting, partially hidden by trees. What could go wrong?

"What the hell?" Mathias asked, he felt his face grow red and his vision blurring. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't.

"You actually called him though," Gilbert laughed, "I didn't think you'd have the balls, but here you are eh?" he looked at Ludwig, "guess it's blondes over brunettes then," he shrugged.

"Gil, stop," Ludwig said as he stood up, Mathias followed suit. "You have no right to–"

"You had no right to punch me did you?" he interrupted.

"You can punch me back, just please don't post that, I was simply trying to apologize for your behaviour," he said bitterly, but it was clear he was desperate.

"Knowing you, that wouldn't do anything, you're a tank, you know that?" Gilbert laughed, "but mein lieber Bruder, you could do me a favour," he fluttered his eyelashes before looking all serious again. He mumbled a few words in German, which made Ludwig cringe, but nod at the end, after sighing heavily.

After a bit of knowing silence, Ludwig whispered for Mathias to leave, and that he'd have to speak to him later.

He walked, lost in his thoughts for a short while.

The second time he was stopped was also by surprise, but less so. Lukas came, jogging to catch up with Mathias.

"Lukas?" he asked, weirded out by how out of the ordinary his day was.

"Yea, hi, um, sorry, I just," he took a breath, "you left this, and I forgot to give it to you," he said as he took a folded paper out of his back pocket. He really did want to give it to him, plus, he was heading that way anyways.

"Oh, um," he blinked a bit, then took the picture, "thanks," he said slowly as he saw who the picture was of, then he folded it back, worried Lukas would ask questions.

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