Chapter Fourteen

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"I know what you're gonna say. So shut up," a brown haired Italian covered his ears as he got into the white car. His grandpa had let them go out on what he called a 'date', Lovino pretended he didn't want to go, but it was obvious.

"I wasn't gonna say anything," Antonio grinned, but obviously he would never stop pestering his little Tomato about this fun little visit his aunt and uncle had.


"Matthias honey, we'll be going now okay?" his father stuck his head into Matthias' blue room.

"What?" he looked up from the Lego set he was in the middle of building.

"Oh right, we didn't tell you, well, turns out Nora's coming to live here!" he exclaimed to his son. This was a shocker. Hm... Nora was only 6, but Canada would be a nice change, even if he thought they had no real reasons to move from Denmark.

"Wait why?" Matthias managed to mumble his question out.

"They thought it'd be a nice change. Aren't you excited Matt? She's your cousin," he smiled. He himself was excited, his sister and her husband were coming over, they might even be able to buy a house nearby. "So we're going to the airport, be back in 4 hours," he hummed as he began to close the door again.

"Alright, you don't mind if I go out do you?" he asked, knowing he wouldn't mind, but it was good to give him a heads up.

"Of course not," he heard from the stairs.

After having completing his Lego masterpiece, he fished his phone out, and noticed a missed call. He sighed.

"Hvad er jeg går til gøre med du?" he thought to himself as he pressed the call button.
(What am I going to do with you?)

Immediately there was an answer and a smile on the other end.
(In Danish, because I'm too lazy to google translate everything)
"Heyyo," the feminine voice rang through the boy's empty room, it seemed she was already in bed.

"Hi," Matthias brought himself to smiling back.

"Whatcha doing? Any plans for today?" she immediately got to the point. For some reason she wanted to know about his life in Canada.

"Well I might go on a bike ride, oh wait. No, actually, have you heard Nora's moving here? My parents are picking her and my aunt and uncle up," he explained, his blue eyes lighting up, it could remind you of how a puppy's eyes lit up when they got excited.

"What?" her eyes widened, she didn't know this, in fact, she didn't think anyone did. After having seen her expression, Matthias wondered if he was supposed to tell anyone.

"Well can you not tell anyone? I mean what if they didn't want anyone knowing?" Matthias panicked slightly. But when Liza nodded her head, he was suddenly calmed again.

"Yea, but away from that topic," she tried making the conversation less awkward.
"You should really visit—or you know what? I should visit shouldn't I?" suddenly she thought of all the possibilities. She could come over, and she knew his parents good enough to convince them she could sleep on the couch, and then maybe she could meet Matthias' other friends. Maybe they could go on a date. A proper one since last time they were together they were kids.

"What?" this caught the male Dane off guard. If Liza came over he couldn't pretend to have friends...she'd be disappointed, and everyone would leave maybe that was a bit too far, but he had to play it cool, as if his mind wasn't telling him to list a million reasons for her not to come. "Yea sure, but this house is cramped," he explained as nonchalantly as he could at the moment. This new information made the girl kind of want to come there more, since having slumber and sleepovers parties with Matthias was always the best thing. They would stay up late, eat too much food, and during one of their sleepovers they shared their first kiss.

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