Chapter Sixteen

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After his senses came back, Matthias basically ran upstairs, wanting to find the most perfect boy he had just shared a kiss with. But then he caught a glimpse of Emil whisper-talking with the pastor, he heard his name a few times too, along with Lukas'. Hm. He still didn't want anyone else to know he was gay, especially not at church, so he took his phone out and started texting his (maybe ex) girlfriend. He got a reply, obviously. He occupied himself by doing that, and then he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Matt?" the voice of the youth pastor rung in his ears and he deliberately set his phone down so he could maybe get an idea of who he was texting.

"Yea?" he asked, taking glances at his phone, even if this was for show, he was still waiting for a response. He wanted to know if his favourite show was discontinued.

"Who you texting Matthias?" he asked as he took a seat, looking straight into the boy's eyes, almost to see if he was lying or not.

"Um, Liza..?" it came out as almost a question, he realized he wasn't too comfortable with him saying girlfriend.

"Oh who's Liza?" he wasn't going to drop it. Ugh.

"My girlfriend," the Dane mumbled, starting to pick the phone up, even if he knew it was rude: but he had a good excuse, the show had been discontinued.

"Oh," the pastor seemed surprised. He was almost sure with how he reacted today that he liked Lukas or something. That's why it took a moment for him to think of the next thing to say. "Well, I actually came here to ask you about Lukas," he glanced at the phone in Matthias' hand before continuing. "What happened when he left?"

Matthias felt red.

"Um, well you see, yesterday we were out in the market place and," he wanted to avoid lying, but what was he supposed to say? That when he got hit by a bike he suffered horrible injuries? "We drank some weird sample tea and I was throwing up all of last night, and I think it's just hitting him now."

The pastor nodded, it all fit into place, maybe the moment when he left was coincidental.

"Alright Matt, make sure you stay out of weird tea shops," then he go up and left. Phew.

Now Matthias had to find Lukas. He began walking around the garden and finally spotted a black suit and some near white hair. Lukas.

"Norge?" he smiled a bit as he approached the figure. Lukas turned around.

"Dane," his voice was expressionless, but Matthias understood this was how he was.

"So I've overthought and covered for you, and I was wondering, you want to go eat somewhere some time?" for a second Matthias worries he was being too bold, but then the smallest smile appeared on Lukas' face.



"Hey Feli?" Ludwig asked timidly, he had something on his mind.

"Yup?" the Italian asked back, they were both in his house for this fine Sunday morning, sitting on Feliciano's queen sized bed. His house was no manor, but it wasn't at all small, since his family...let's just say they were resourceful, and had good ties with the higher ups.

"You lived around here when I lived here before I moved right?" he asked, wanting Feliciano to help him with something impossible.

"Yea, grandpa moved here when he was 30," Feli hummed, "same neighbourhood," he explained.

"So you could've seen me around? Right? Like I know I went to this private school but maybe you saw me walking in the woods or something," he started, "and maybe if I gave you a picture you'd remember?"

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