Chapter Twenty One

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"Matthias honey you're going to stay with your aunt today okay? You aren't allowed back at school just yet," his mother explained from her spot in the kitchen.

Matthias was more than okay with this, he really couldn't imagine school without Lukas. Then he'd get so many questions, sure Emil would probably answer some but he didn't know the full thing.

"Alright mom," he smiled softly. Just then his dad cane down, he'd been meaning to talk to Matthias about how Lukas was gay, but yesterday didn't seem appropriate, so he figured he'd inform his son later today. Her parents took turns giving him kisses on his forehead before leaving, his aunt would come soon enough. Usually he would cringe at being kissed, but right now he had too much on his mind.


Dig dong.


The boy opened the door.

(In Danish)

"Hey," he smiled, gesturing for her to come in more. She complied.

"So, got yourself in trouble again eh? Nothing's changed," she chuckled, looking at her nephew, who was 10 years younger than her. "I wonder when that leg'll snap and not come back," she shook her head, although she obviously never wanted that to happen.

Matthias chuckled, he couldn't bring himself to saying anything.

"What's wrong?" she asked, Matthias would normally not be able to shut up when they had time to bond.

"What? Oh, nothing," he seemed to snap out of some daze, he hated when people were worried about him.

"I know a lie when I hear one Matt," she plopped down on the couch and patted the spot beside her so he could come and sit, then maybe they'd have one of their infamous talks. Matthias would always talk to her about her problems, whether it were about his parents, school, his girlfriend, his hamster—which now lived with his grandmother.

"I dunno, I just," he sighed. He was contemplating on whether or not he could trust his aunt with...explicit information about himself. "It's all my fault," he sighed, he couldn't tell her...

"What's all your fault Mattie? Your leg? Because yea that sure is?" she looked at his leg.

"No, not that, I mean what happened to Lukas," he explained, hanging his head, he felt very guilty.

"You care a lot about your friend don't you?" she knew him rather well. "He's from Norway right?" she asked.

"What? Yea, he's like my best friend...but he's half Norwegian, half Icelandic," he explained.

"I thought Liza was your best friend," she edged on, it was always fun teasing him, but she had a feeling this was more than teasing.

"What?" his mind was racing and he didn't know what to say, but then he went, "like I said, I'm over her."

"Advice from your favourite aunt," she smiled, "be more vague when you speak to your father. He's not as open minded."

"What?! Yea I know he isn't but that's not...I wasn't...I didn't say..." he grumbled, why did she have to know him so well?!

"It's okay Matt, it really is, but I'm serious now okay? Don't tell them yet, it's adult stuff, but they're planning on going back to Denmark or something," she explained, she only wanted the best for her dear Mattie.

"No. We can't move! No, no, how about Lukas?" he pleaded with his aunt, as if she had a say.

"I only overheard this okay? Your parents are stressed, they don't need this on their shoulders right now, okay? Just know I support you, but Matt, please, you'll hear about something later today that you might not like," she explained, she wasn't even trying to sugarcoat or make everything sound good, she was getting straight to the point.

"What? Tell me!" he basically shouted, secrets were the death of him.

"Later Matt, but I don't want to talk about it," she said, her expression solemn, then she perked up, "while we're alone though, you have a picture of Lukas?" she asked.

"Yeah, but, sksksksk," (<Matt fangirls over Lukey) he groaned then took his phone out. "He has an Instagram," he explained as he went to that page and showed her a picture of Lukas in a suit. "Looks better in a hoodie though," he mumbled.

His aunt laughed.

"I'm sure he does, but dang Matt, wow—don't tell your uncle that," she laughed, and he laughed too. He sure was something. "So you guys are friends right? Is he getting the hints you're dropping?" she asked.

"I mean we kissed in the church basement," he mumbled, looking down. Her face lit up, go get her—him Matt.

"Wow, so when you were at the bridge he was watching and tried to help then he came to see you?" (im sry if i make no sense.)

"I mean we kinda fought—argued about it at school, but I thought I could jump the bridge so...I went and he was sleeping or something I dunno," he explained, she listened to every word.

"Well, any other times you guys hit it off?" she smirked at him, he blushed a bit, thinking of some stupid little moments that put a smile on his gorgeous face. "Well we went on this bike ride where I kinda told him I was...ya know, then um, we sat beside each other at church, then um, oh! I come to his house every week for our science project," he explained, a little too excitedly.

"Oh, seems like you two could basically be a couple," she laughed, "all you need to do is wake Prince Charming, or wait for him to wake up I guess," she commented. "I'm gonna go make snacks."


Inside Lukas' head he was stuck in a dream.
"Norge..." at first Matthias looked fine, then what looked like a rock was coming out of his chest, and he started bleeding out. Lukas tried to run to him, to help...but there was some sort of barrier. Then the scene changed, he was in class. He was taking books out of his locker when Gilbert came to him, wearing all black, he had a baby in his hands and placed a card in his hand.

"I'm sorry for you loss."

Lukas turned around to see his father...drunk, beating his mother, he could hear the screams, the sobs. Then suddenly he was at their old house, with Emil in his arms, he wasn't responding... He had a bottle of beer coming out of his forehead, his father was across the room shouting as his mother tried to get out of his grasp to get to her son...

Lukas screamed. He couldn't do anything but scream, everything happened so fast. It felt so real. Every time he turned he saw someone he cared about either dead or...deadly. Then everything was black. Then...everything was...


Short-ish chapter I guess, but yea go Matt's aunt! Poor Lukey, and yeet. Hi. Erm, I apologize if I did this chapter too fast, I feel like I cramped too many things in ;-;

Oh yea and thank you guys so much for 100 reads :) I thought I'd get to 20 or something but hey.

Btw idk if I should make Matt move, should I?

And ima start the Pruhun story too. I'm trying to post daily but it's a bit hard ;-; but I'll try.

Oh and I don't proofread until like a day after I post so pls don't mind the spelling errors 😅

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