Chapter Thirty

30 3 8

"I am the king of Northern Europe!" Matthias exclaimed, now highly drunk, he seemed to forget all about Gilbert's tormenting, all about Lukas, all about Aleks, all about his parents, because tonight he was being himself.

"I am the king of Central Europe!!!" Gilbert hollered after his cry, they were now both drinking their 8th beer.

"Dudes!" Alfred had one beer. He was used to only drinking pop with family, and he didn't quite like the taste, but he was still a king.
"I am the king of NORTH AMERICA!" he didn't need to be drunk, it was like he was born drunk.

"WE SHOULD KILL THE PAGANS!" Gilbert out of nowhere started running towards Lovino—who was here to visit with Antonio, and jumped on him, only to be stopped by Antonio.

"No one touches my Lovi~" at the mention of the nickname he looked at Lovino and winked, then Gilbert; drunk, still managed to fake vomit.

"I'm not yours and anyone can touch me if I let the—" that sure came out wrong. He flushed red. "You know what I mean!"

So the night progressed and everything just went madder and madder.



"Shhhhhh~ I'm still sleeping Al," Gilbert told Alfred, they seemed to be lying down in a car.

They heard a car door open: Matt.

"Where's my shirt?" Matthias asked, hoping talking would help his hangover. Plus, he wanted his shirt. He noticed his shirt and tie were with Alfred, and that he didn't have pants. "Shittttt!"

The yelp woke Gilbert.

"Sheesh," he rolled his eyes then noticed Matthias' pants were in his hand and that his pants were on Matthias' head, his shirt was with Alfred. Must've been a long night.

(Don't jump to conclusions, they were probably playing strip poker)

Alfred was almost fully dressed, but he was snuggling with other people's clothes. Matthias had already come back in, and was trying to pry his clothes from Alfred.

"Does anyone remember what happened?"

"I don't want to remember," Matthias said as he finally managed to put his pants on. "Oh and, Alfred, you got a ticket."

Alfred woke up. "Whatttttt?! Fuck guyssss," he groaned, now he finally noticed his new friends were at least half naked. What the heck?

"Can we go to a McDonalds or something? I'm hungry and it's 9:40," Gilbert explained, sitting up in the passenger seat. Alfred nodded, he seemed to forget about the ticket and basically hopped into the drivers seat and left Matt in the back. Matt took his phone out and noticed he had a bunch of people's numbers and had gotten more followers. Usually he'd care but followers reminded him of Aleks.

"Sure thing."


Lukas woke up at 8, decided to go eat at a Tim's again, but realized a McDonalds was closer so he went in, ate a bit, then held the door for three disheveled looking men. They were all so tall... Lukas stopped thinking about them, it wasn't like he had a thing for tall blond men. Gah. He drove to the mall to hang there.

"You lost stranger?" an unfamiliar voice asked the blond boy, Lukas turned around.

"What if I was?" there was no expression on his face, he was being vague. Typical Lukas.

"I'd give you a ride to where you need to be," the guy smirked, this totally wasn't creepy.

"All city folk like this?" he tried to keep his words to a minimum.

"Only me," the nameless lad smiled obnoxiously, he reminded Lukas of someone.

"Dork." He boy turned to leave.

"Can I at least get your number?" he really was a dork.

"Find me again stranger, and we'll see," with that he disappeared into the mall. This was actually fun. He always wondered how people met after school, maybe this was how.


"You jumped into a cliff?"

"I have a video," Matthias smiled proudly, and Alfred shook his head, they were seated as Gilbert went to order the food—he insisted on paying.

"Seriously dude? I mean like not a cliff that's like ya know, ya know how people watch and make sure it's safe?"

"It was in Iceland and no one else was there so..." Matt smiled.

"You got a video to prove that?"

"Go on insta if my account wasn't taken down," he explained, then he went to his regular Instagram, but Matthias shook his head and searched his old username up. That sure brought memories back. They watched the first parts of the video and Al was shook. Matt didn't bother show the last part, he quickly got off of the page.


Lukas was finally at home when he heard a knock on the door, he groaned and went to get it, it was probably an annoying neighbour asking if it was okay to play music.
Lukas blinked a few times before realizing it was the same guy from earlier. Either this guy was a creep and following him, or he lived there.

Lukas was about to call him out for being creepy when the guy spoke.

"Well," he leaned against the doorframe, "guess I found you again..." he let a smirk play onto his lips then shook his head so his blond locks fell in front of his green eyes. "I'm not a stalker by the way, wanted to tell you I'm having a party and the music will be loud, but..." he trailed off and looked into his apartment, "you'll see for yourself—that is if you'll accept my invitation," he was pretty good.

"Dork," Lukas considered closing the door, but instead he made an excuse, "I have things to do," he wasn't that easy to get.

The guy made a rather sad face before sighing, "very well, but I don't like the name stranger," he contemplated, "my name's Elliot."

"Lukas. Good evening," he cracked the smallest of grins then Elliot nodded and saw his way back to his home; where the music was indeed loud. Lukas closed the door and rolled his eyes, would a party really have killed him? Eh, didn't matter, he had reading to do before the year started.

Gah, this was so bad. Oh welp, it's fillerish, sorry, but it'll get better. I mean ;))))) I'll stop. Anyways, yee, so erm, like, yea. I thought about who that dude (Elliot) should be and I'm taking a wild guess at how his personality and his age for that fact is, and I'm making him Luxembourg because I just recently saved a lot of pins on him on Pinterest.

^a lot of randomness, sorry. No one really cares about who he is but eh.

Alternate ending I guess:

Matt and Al have a thing for each other and after school they idk get married and move back to where Alfred was from.

Lukas and Elliot hit it off and the same thing happens but they stay in Canada.




Oh and I still don't check 4 spelling so sorry.

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