Chapter Thirty Nine

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That made me feel warm and gah nice I love a good ending (it wasn't great lmao but I liked ending it happy), so I'm going to continue with just pure cringe from here on out.

"My cousin still lives here," Mathias explained, looking at his old house with a mix of nostalgia and contentment.

"My whole family's still here," Lukas smiled, looking around. He got an idea, "we could finish that science project," being the science major dork he was.

"I'm more of a maths person, but anything for you," they began the short walk towards Lukas' house and Matt could remember that time he biked over to his place when they were supposed to ride around. "Maybe we could bike around."

While the word 'bike' brought mostly happy memories to Mathias, Lukas could remember everything before passing out after Matt's fall.

"You're not going anywhere near that bridge if we bike," he shook his head slightly as he knocked on the door.

"Lukas! You came back? Are you alright?" His mother hugged her and caught a glimpse of Mathias. "Oh..."

"I'm sorry, I can go we just wanted to bike," he explained sheepishly. He smiled just a bit and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh, dear... of course you can. But come in for a second would you?" She had quite some explaining to do.

"Oh, yea sure thing. If that's okay with Nor- Lukas," Lukas turned a lovely shade of pink.

"Yeah you can come in," he grumbled, going in first. Once they both were seated, Ms. Bondevik began to speak.

"Well I'd like to start off by taking the blame, then by saying I'm sorry. I'll end off by telling you that I'm glad you ended up finding each other," Mathilde explained, getting all emotional like they were going to get married.

"Mom. We wanted to go bike, not get hitched," Lukas explained, he was rather defensive right now. While he couldn't say he wholeheartedly accepted what pain his parents put him through, he still loved his mother— and wanted her to shut up because it was embarrassing.

"That's not a kind thing to say Lukas, your mother is speak—" he was whacked on the head by Lukas and Ms. Bondevik smiled and continued.

"Not to be cringy. Forgive me. But you guys were extremely cute just four years ago, anyway, on behalf of all the parties included I'd like to apologize. Your helmets are in the garage- or rather Lukas' is, but Matt you can use Emil's," she explained sweetly. They were about to leave when she pulled Mathias to the side; much to Lukas' annoyance. "Are you okay? It's just you're such a nice kid and we put you through so much and you care an awful lot for my son. He barely has friends and he told me about Elliot recently..." she really was a concerned mother. Luckily Mathias knew how to roll with that and hugged her. It wasn't for the bonus mom points, but more so he could help someone who needed it. She hugged back and began to tear up a bit. "Go bike dear."

So the biked. They went all the way to their old school and even visited Eliza, who became good friends with Lukas in their last year of high school.

"Papa! Where papa!" Henry screamed at the door when Eliza went to open it.

"Nein no that's not papa, that's my friend from school, say hi," she went with the little boy with pasty white skin and gorgeous brown locks to the door.

"Hey Liz, Sorry about this. Mister dead guy decided to show up then run away," he came into the house and Matt stayed back by the door.

"Excuse me. You ran away too," he reluctantly came in and Eliza was staring at them with a look of shock and horror even.

"Mama scared!" Henry screeched.

"Confused is all honey," she set him down and he ran out of the room to play with his toy ducks. "Aren't you dead?"

"You didn't hear my description of the latest events then," Lukas sighed and sat himself down. Mathias wondered how Lukas befriended Eliza. For a fleeting moment he thought it was good he left- it gave Lukas way more friends. He would later find out it was because he was pushing himself

"No no I heard that. But he's actually like, not dead," she inspected him a bit, "why are you tall," she wasn't short herself, but she had to admit he was rather tall. "Okay sit down and you're going to tell me everything," Lizzie got close to Lukas during their time at the hospital actually, it was strange grey area though that neither of them wanted to look back at.

Once all three of the most unlikely friends were seated, they began talking.

"So basically I'm hella gay. My parents knew that and since Mathias was moving and I was in a months long coma they decided to tell me he died to make sure we wouldn't like you know—"

"Kiss in the church basement- I mean, uh, carry on," Eliza laughed at that and Lukas went on after grumbling something about 'dork.'

"Then I moved to Toronto and went to York which is still better than UofT by the way- fight me Dane. And uh I hung out with this guy but he tried to sell me drugs and he uh..." he took a deep breath and continued, "anyways I was drunk and stuff and he was drunk and stuff and the next thing I know I have a horrible headache and I'm in some kind of morgue because Mathias is right beside me and uh unclothed. So naturally I do what every normal and sane citizen does and I run away without putting my shirt on. I regret that. Uh, I called Emil, then I spoke with my mom and Matt, Gil and Alfred call me and say they want to meet up. Naturally I agree with that, because it's weird to sleep with the dead. I decide I can't do this and that's way too much so I freak. I ended up sobbing on the train and then some guy sits beside me as I'm drifting off. He asks me about my stop but to be honest I didn't know where to go; last resort was going home. His voice was oddly familiar because it was annoying and well I dunno, but it was also really low. The way he talked made him sound like a dork so I thought this might be mister dead guy. After speaking just a bit I called him Matt. Then he kissed me. Boom. Story time," Mathias had never heard a story like that; especially not told by Lukas. To be fair he hadn't ever heard a story told by Lukas but he was almost sure the Norwegian Icelandic man would speak differently and be more careful with language and words while retelling anything really. You really couldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Okay Matt, hit us," Eliza had literally brought some popcorn and was video chatting Gilbert. It took a while for Lukas to be okay with that but in the end you can't argue about these kind of things right? At least they couldn't.

Matt sorted everything out in his head and took a deep breath before explaining basically everything that had happened.

"So I was a jerk. I moved to Canada and had no friends, then I made one friend. I lost that friend after moving back and maybe a week into being back I realized he died. I don't know if I was originally attracted to him or if it was just to numb myself but I got together with my one friend- Aleks, but soon enough we were discovered; after a year actually. He moved to Norway where my ex girlfriend moved back to. Then I decided I couldn't stay there. I moved back and applied for uni then got in and met this guy and panicked because your lovely husband never told me Lukas didn't actually die. In fact neither him nor Alfred told me you held some sort of crappy funeral for me. Then they all lived happily ever after. The end."

"PWINCESS!" Henry shouted, suddenly lunging onto Lukas. He had come back after hearing his dad's voice. Lukas blushed and glared at Mathias.

"I couldn't have stopped the kid from jumping onto you sheesh," they all laughed. It wasn't even funny- just appropriate. Sometimes appropriate was a shove in the right direction though.

They finally went back out to bike and stayed up until sometime past 12 at the tree where a Spaniard and Italian could be spotted having picnics; tomato themed picnics.

They went to sleep there actually, it was rather nice. In the morning they'd be on the next train back.

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