Chapter Fifteen

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"Good morning, it's good to be in the house of the Lord, amen?" the pastor welcomed the congregation. Matthias was one amongst them. Soon he'd be dismissed into the kids, youth, and young adults. He was rather excited to go, since he had a pretty good picture in mind, and also he'd get to meet his friend Lukas, who'd be coming over after service.

It took a while and a few songs for Matthias, Emil, Lukas, Lea, and the others to be dismissed, but he didn't mind too much.

"Hey," Matthias smiled towards Lukas as he sat beside him in the back.

"Hi," the Norwegian-Icelandic boy waved almost dismissively.

"What's your favourite type of flower?" he then asked, seemingly out of the blue.

"Wouldn't you want to know," Lukas grumbled, he didn't exactly want to be there, but his mother expected it of him and Matthias would be there.

"Actually, I would," Matthias hummed a bit, knowing this must be normal behaviour for Lukas. He didn't mind, he found it cute.

"Fine," he huffed, "I like Purple Heathers (is that supposed to be capitalized?)," he explained, then made a tiny head nod to ask what his was.

"I love Marguerite Daisies," Matthias said dreamily, thinking about the snow white flower. Lukas had to hold a chuckle back, and just said,

"Dork," at that Matthias chuckled a bit.

"No hair pin," Matthias seemed to sigh as he said this, he just felt the pin was now a part of the boy beside him. That it was one of the first things that popped into mind when he thought of the Norwegian (sort of Icelandic) boy.

"My mom," Lukas sulked a bit. Matthias senses his mood and decided to have fun with that.

"Don't worry Norge, you're still cute without it," he added with a wink, he wasn't lying. At this Lukas' usually pale face gained colour, a red colour.

"Oh? Um, thanks," he stuttered, just at that moment the pastor pointed at him to answer a question.

"Lukas, I haven't heard or seen from you in a while," the young adult smiled at the still blushing teen.

"Oh, yea," he responded timidly, now all eyes were on him, him and the only other person in the room that far back.

"Well? What do you think about people of the same gender being all couply?" he asked, trying to teach him and others a lesson.

"Uh well I don't know," he shrugged, he wasn't about to bend his beliefs because of them, he'd much rather stay silent.

"Okay then Lukas, how 'bout you Matt? Haven't heard or seen you talk to anyone besides Lukas over there, any opinions?" he asked.

"Well I'm a bit unclear about that, is it really bad?" he asked, sounding nonchalant enough for everyone to pass his question as curiosity, and just that.

"Well it just isn't right Matt, see, man was made for woman, and woman was made for man. It's just the way the world works," then there was some noise, and the door suddenly closed. The everyone wondered why it suddenly opened and closed—everyone but Matthias and Lukas, since Matthias had seen him leave and since Lukas was now on his way to the washroom.

"I can go get him—" Emil offered, but Matthias was already on the way out. He didn't know what made him leave to go after the obviously hurt other boy, but he did.

"Speak to me after class Emil?" the pastor asked after gesturing for Emil to just sit down. Then he continued with his lesson.

"Norge? Lukas? Hello?" Matthias walked down the basement hallway.

"You shouldn't have followed me Dane," Lukas' voice was barely above a whisper. "Now they'll think we're some sort of secret gays," he bitterly chuckled.

"Not so secret now I guess," Matthias leaned against the wall, outside of the stall. "But you've got to understand people will be like this," he explained, trying to sound wise.

"How long exactly have you been gay?" Lukas asked, after getting a short lecture like sentence from Matthias.

"The answer's embarrassing," Matthias mumbled, since he technically still has a girlfriend.


"Well I haven't told my girlfriend yet," he said quietly, Lukas was gonna find out eventually right?

"Wow," Lukas exhaled as he took this in, he was suddenly glad they had a stall door in between them. "You're not a dork Dane," he thought out loud, "you're a jerk."

Matthias felt kind of hurt, but still had the courage to speak.

"Well I couldn't break up with her 'cause she was in Norway, but I thought it was implied, since we had different lives. But to her I'm still a grade A douche, and that we're still a thing," he explained, and even if Lukas didn't make an effort to have him continue, he knew his cute friend was hanging onto every word. "I guess I'm bi, and the only reason I figured out was because someone—who wasn't at all like Liza, caught my eye and well, he's awesome," the Danish boy chuckled a bit, happy to get that off of his chest, though he never imagined a love confession to Lukas at church.

"I see," Lukas said quietly.

A long moment of silence past between the two, and finally Lukas came out of the beige stall, his eyes a bit puffy.

"Ya know Norge, I thought you were smart," Matthias started again, "but you really couldn't catch me staring could you?" he forced a chuckle, but Lukas was too busy staring at his mouth. Did he have food stuck there? Ew.


"Um, Norge?" he asked, but before he could say anything else he couldn't breathe. There were soft and surprisingly cold lips on his, they weren't sucking or anything, they were just there. He kissed back a bit before backing away. Lukas' head dropped after they broke apart, maybe to hide the blush, maybe because he was happy, maybe because he was embarrassed.

"You can overthink now Dane, I'm going up," he finally managed to say as he walked to the sink to wash his hands, then out the door. In this time Matthias was doing as Lukas said he could: overthinking. He actually got to their wedding when he snapped out of it, he was now alone in the room.

Rather short and kinda cliff hangery, but hey. So they kissed! YeEt, erm, I feel I have too many plots, so I'm breaking this book down into others after the twentieth chapter. They'll be things about Gil, Lud, etc. I included all my ships btw, or at least the ones I ship with a passion ;-; sorry if we don't have the same taste.

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