Chapter Ten

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It was now lunch time at school, and Matthias had gotten used to Lukas' presence. He rather enjoyed it.

"Hey can I ask you to draw me something?" Lukas asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Hm? Sure," the Dane smiled.

"Can you draw a ship? Like a Viking ship?"

(They're a Viking ship lol)

"Of course," the boy smiled even wider. Did he really share his interest in Vikings? The sea?

"I know you probably draw the Danish flag, but can you—"

"Of course," he smiled as he turned the page, "Norway. If you want I can paint it," Matthias wanted to make something nice for Lukas, after all this is the first time he had ever asked for anything, sure they didn't know each other for long, but something in Matthias knew this was rare.

"You'd do tha—I mean, um, sure," the shorter bit looked down a bit, he was starting to get flustered, causing the Dane to smile.

"Great," he beamed. This would be fun, he'd love to do just about anything for his little Norwegian friend.

The next day, after school.

(Nor) Science project: is 7 ok?

(Den) busy 'till 8, how 'bout 9?

(Nor) Pretty late, but mom doesn't care

(Den) Gotcha :)

(Nor) Dork

(Den) Lol

(Nor) Cute dork

(Den) ...

(Nor) Don't overthink

(Den) Gtg

(Nor) K

(Den) Bye!

The Dane stared at his phone for a second, was he being to obvious? Nah. He was glad he could meet with Lukas alone again, maybe they could get somewhere.

"Matthias! Youth!" his mother yelled, calling him because he would be late for youth night. He hadn't attended in about a month, and they finally came to an agreement. If Matthias wanted to keep walking home he'd have to go to youth at least twice a month.

"Fine mama," he rolled his eyes, getting out of bed and into one of his signature black hoodies. He ran down the stairs and hopped into the car with his shoes in hand when he noticed his mother was already buckled up. There would be a womens' bible study today, in the upper level.

"You might get new friends there!" she exclaimed, as if that were possible.

"Mom, I see them at school and on Sunday," he rolled his eyes, then there was silence, as his mother was focusing on the road. Then soon he arrived.

"Go ahead Matthias, I've got to call someone," his mother smiled as he got out of the black car.

"Bye," he waved before walking into the rather old building. He went down a flight of stairs, then reluctantly entered a large room where a bunch of other teens were chilling. Slowly all eyes were on him, he quietly cursed himself for not bringing anything to draw on. He took a seat far away from any other kids. He took his phone out wondering if he could jack the wifi, or if he could leave and tell his mom he walked home when it ended.

"Okay folks!" the youth pastor smiled from the platform, "it seems we have someone else joining us," again, all eyes were on Matthias.
"We're glad to see you, today is actually games night!"

"Cool," Matthias tried to say enthusiastically, but it came out sarcastically.

"Okay, so since there're less people on team B, that's where you'll be going," at that Matthias moved to the right by a few chairs, since those chairs were labelled with 'B'.

After a long night of refusing to play and pissing people off, Matthias' day at youth was over.

Before he knew it he was back home getting ready to go to Lukas' house. He decided to choose a canvas while he was waiting for a decent time to start biking there. He found one that seemed to be a good size. Then started heading for Lukas' with his laptop.

"Lukey! Your boyfriend's here!" Emil called, he had come home unexpectedly, but apparently their father was out on a business trip.

"Shut up!" Lukas called from his room, if he came down it would seem he he told Emil to just let him in.

"Your boyfriend's in his room," Emil told Matthias loudly, causing the Dane to blush, but then shake his head.

"We're friends, but thanks," he said, calmly.

"Whatever you say Mattie," he made a nickname for the taller blonde, he had a feeling he'd be seeing more of him.

"Matthias," he said quickly, then headed upstairs to try to find Lukas.

He opened the first door on the left, but it was empty, then the second: There he was. But he was changing.

"Ah!" Lukas yelped as he his behind the closet door.

"Oh! I'm sorry, sorry!" Matthias covered his eyes as he walked out.

A pause.

"You can come in now," a nonchalant voice called out into the hall; where the Dane was frozen.

"O-okay," he nodded as he came in, it's not like Lukas was fully undressed though, he was just in his blue boxers, but for some reason it was weird.

"Forget that happened?" Lukas asked, looking up at the other blue eyed boy, hoping he'd agree. He did.

"Of course," he smiled a bit. "So what do you want this project to be on?" asked the Danish boy.

"I dunno," he shrugged, taking a seat on his bed, hugging his exposed knees.

"Oh, okay, well I mean we have a month," Matthias said as he stayed in his awkward position standing up by the door. Lukas took note of this.

"I guess, but the sooner we're done the better," he explained, honestly he thought Matthias would get all nerdy and take charge. Maybe he was even more different than Lukas thought?

"I'm one for procrastination," the taller of the two explained, deciding to take a seat on the hardwood floor.

"What were you busy with anyways?" he asked, wanting to keep the pointless conversation going.

"Youth," he explained, you could tell he didn't enjoy it.

"Oh," Lukas thought out loud, "Emil told me about how he couldn't go tonight, he seems to like it," he had no idea why he was telling him this, but to hell with it.

Hullo! If you've read this far, I applaud, appreciate and apprehend(?) you! Thank y'all. (I don't usually use ya'll ;-; random facts)

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