Chapter Three

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                   I walked away from the headquarters, making my way toward the forest.

I glanced back at everyone on the field, before entering the darkness that was the forest. Now without Haunter I had nobody to talk to, that was when the cage Pokemon piped up.

"Why did it suddenly get so dark in here!?" It squealed, confused because it couldn't see what was happening.

"We are in the forest now." I answered, trying not to trip on any roots.

I stumbled over a small branch, but regained balance and kept going.

The first Pokemon scurried away as they heard me approaching.

A small scratching noise could be heard from inside my newest Pokémon's cage, but I didn't think much of it.

I could open the cage, and return the Pokemon to the given pokeball, but then that would ruin the surprise. I want to open it with my Pokemon so they can meet... whatever Pokemon it is.

I turned around, the field wasn't too far away yet, i could just do it there.. but I denied and kept creeping through the forest.

I heard leaves rustling as Pokemon ran into hiding at the sight of a human coming.

Small Pokemon peering out of bushes, flying Pokemon up in the trees, bigger Pokemon that couldn't hide very well... just went deeper into the shadows of the forest.

Though I acknowledged all of this, I kept walking. I didn't look at any Pokemon or else I might scare them even more.

I began hearing whispers from the Pokemon.

"She's got a cage, what is she doing?!"

"I don't know, we have to stay hidden!"

Just then, the cage rattled, I whispered aloud so the other Pokemon wouldn't hear.

"Why did you make a noise!? They might attack us to 'save you'."

"Sorry.. it's not very roomy in here."

The Pokemon talked telepathically since it couldn't talk aloud, but didn't catch any Pokémon's attention.

The noise the cage made, did.

"She's got a Pokemon in there!"

"Oh no! Who got taken!?"

"Somebody get help!"

I rolled my eyes at their comments, but still didn't make any eye contact.

All of a sudden a loud roar could be heard from behind me.

I stopped walking, but I didn't turn around.

"Yes! He is here!" The Pokemon were all cheering, but I didn't know what they meant by 'he'.

I slowly turned around, behind me was a Charizard.

The huge dragon Pokémon lowered its head to my level.

I gulped and tried backing away.

The giant Pokemon advanced forward every time I stepped back.

Suddenly I tripped on a tree root because I couldn't see where I was going.

The cage fell a few feet away.

I tried crawling over to it, but the Charizard stepped in my way.

"Take the cage, figure out how to open it." The Charizard spoke, not taking its eyes off me.

I was trapped, I couldn't stand up as the giant's head was right above me.

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