Chapter Eighteen

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         The night finally became the day, the sun rising over the trees in the distance. I woke up really early, just incase there was another 8 A.M. sabotage plan.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth since we were checking out, I would usually do that after food but I wanted to get going. I brushed my hair and put on my brand new clothes, pokebelt, and bag. I clipped my watch onto my wrist and walked over to the bunk my Pokemon were sleeping on.

I returned all my Pokemon to their pokeballs and turned to wake Flo up. I wandered over to her bedside and shook her awake.

"What? Can't I sleep?.." Flo groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"I want to get going, someone might know who I am." I explained quickly, Flo sleepily slipped from under the covers and onto her feet.

"I want to sleep." She complained, yawning as she headed to the bathroom.

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria!" I called, rushing out of the room.

Aura poked her head up and watched me as I left the room.

"What?" I asked before I closed the door.

"Oh, I've never been outside my pokeball around other people.. this is nice for me." Aura grinned, wagging her tail happily.

I smiled at the little Zorua and shut the door.

I rushed down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat before our journey.

The nerves were getting the best of me, I did have time, nobody knew who I was, but I still felt uneasy.

I burst into the cafeteria and saw a sign that said, 'We are not open until 7 A.M. very sorry.'

I stared at the sign, really confused.

Had I actually woken up before 7?

I looked at my watch, 5:53. The heck? I don't know how I managed to wake up so early, but despite this confusion, I took a seat near the forest window so I could watch the Pokemon play.

As I sat down, I released my Pokemon and they all took a spot.

Haunter was next to Meowth while Rotom and Banette were next to me.

Haunter continuously poked Meowth, he didn't do much at first, but then, "Autumn! Tell Haunter to stop poking me! It's annoying!" Meowth complained angrily as Haunter poked him again.

"Poke." Haunter mocked as he continued poking the cat Pokemon.

"Haunter.. stop or I'll bash your head into the wall." I threatened, sending him a death glare.

"What'll that do? I'm a ghost!" He protested, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Nothing, but do you want your head it wall like last time?" I shot back, not breaking the glare.

Haunter shivered, "That was one time! ONE TIME! The flipping Houndour just had to be on the other side now didn't he?"

I rolled my eyes and just sat there.

Haunter poked Meowth again.

"Stop it or I'll have Rotom thunderbolt you." I added, crossing my arms.

"Oh now you're changing the threat." Haunter fought back, turning away from me.

He poked Meowth again but this time, I wasn't lying about my threat.

"Rotom." I calmly stated.

Rotom smirked and summoned up some electricity and firing it at Haunter.

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