Chapter Seventeen

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"We are going to the main government building so that we can break the typing law, hopefully forever." I stated, turning around to look ahead, awaiting Flo's response.

"Why didn't I join sooner.. Team Aeri doesn't sound bad at all!" Flo announced, throwing one arm into the air while the other held onto Arcanine.

"Wait.. why is it even called Team Aeri?" Flo suddenly asked, I did know this. All the Team Aeri members know the backstory of our group.

"Well, originally the team was created back during the Pokemon war when we all fought, Team Aeri was one of the-" I began, but Flo cut me off.

"No, the detailed version!" She insisted.

I rolled my eyes before telling her everything.

(Everything after this is Autumn speaking until you see more bold text)

"Team Aeri was first assembled during the Pokemon war. This was when the typing law was put in place. The government added the typing rule, and the citizens wanted to prove that their typing is the most powerful. There were teams set up for only people who trained that type of Pokemon, like Team Glacier, the ice trainers. Team Aeri was the flying type team, Aeri is short for Aerial. The Pokemon war happened because of these tribes. We all were fighting to wipe out the other teams. I wasn't in Team Aeri when the war was happening, I'm a ghost trainer, I wasn't even on the ghost team, Team Spirit, I was like.. -5 This happened nearly 19 years ago, the boss retired since then and when I joined.. his son, Mason was in charge of the whole organization. After the Pokemon war, all but 3 tribes disbanded. They all now accept people who train every type of Pokemon, the fire trainers, Team Flare. But I was told that soon after the war, Team Flare was taken down. The second one was Team Bronze, the fighting trainers. Team Bronze is now a really helpful organization, nobody thinks they're evil. And Team Aeri, my Team. I told you already all the things Team Aeri does, and for some reason people think we are evil for doing this. Now I'll go into detail about the Pokemon war. As you know, all the tribes wanted to prove that their tribe was the strongest. Only 8 tribes survived until the really terrible part happened. By this point in the war, I was only 2 so it's gone on for 4 years so far at that point. The teams started attacking innocent people who didn't even take part in the war just because they were a different type. My family was attacked by Team Draco. I joined Team Aeri because on that day, even though none of my family was a flying trainer, Team Aeri members came to save us. They were against people attacking others who didn't take part in the war, so my family was okay. After 2 more years, 5 tribes remained, Team Glaicer, Team Spirit, Team Flare, Team Bronze, and Team Aeri. Everyone was still fighting really hard. But after Team Glacier and Team Spirit we're wiped out, the remaining tribes got together and made a stop to all the war. The soldiers disbanded but the tribes still survived with some members who fought in the war. People have been joining these teams since the day they were announced. Team Bronze, as you know went on and did nothing illegal, not even to save some people. Team Flare was disbanded after getting defeated later on. Team Aeri helped people by doing the opposite of Team Bronze, breaking the law. We are all also against the typing law so we break it. After all these years we finally got a mission, enough information to be able to completely stop the typing rule for good. Sadly though as you have seen on the news, nobody likes Team Aeri. You saw the cops you saw it all.. And yeah.. that sums up everything I think you need to know about!"

(Ok we are finished)

I explained the entire backstory to Flo and she looked shocked.

"Seriously, wow I've never known so much about the war!" Flo cheered, "It sounded terrifying.." she added quietly.

She pet Arcanine's head by reaching really far around me, "I wouldn't have become a soldier anyway.. I mean, I don't want to lose my Pokemon!

"Autumn.. sorry I have so many questions but.. what about Meowth, if you aren't taking him to you friend in Unova.. what are you doing with him?" Flo asked, pulling her hand back.

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