Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in a dimly lit room, this certainly wasn't the Pokemon center.. right? Whatever it was, it was really quiet, Flo wasn't there, and neither were any of my Pokemon.

What happened? I had just been in bed! Why was I suddenly in such a creepy room.

I tired to move but I couldn't, I was chained? Against a solid concrete wall. Did they find me? How did they know? I frantically thought. I looked at my hair, it wasn't the strawberry blonde color I had dyed it, it was my normal dirty blonde.

My breathing roughened, this was terrifying. I heard a cold shrilly voice echo through my head.

"Aaaautummmmmn.." it called, "Your true callinnnnnnnng."

What the heck was this!? I tried to shout, but my mouth wouldn't open, it wasn't taped shut or anything, what was going on?

"You will know what to do when you arrive." Mason's voice echoed through my head. "Trust me.. it's obvious."

What the heck!? What in the world was this?

"Autumn?..." Flo's voice entered in. "You were evil the whole time? You were Team Aeri!? I trusted you!" I heard, but we weren't evil Flo! Please know that!...

Voices shot through my head until one voice stabbed my heart hard, "I want to come with you! We with fulfill our dreams together!" Rachel pleaded, I had pushed her away. My own sister, I had shoved her away from my life.

"Oh jeez.. this is gonna suck!" Haunter called, why was Haunter here?

"Yep!" Meowth agreed, he sounded kind of tired, and scared.

"You will know what to do.." Mason repeated, it continued over and over.

I was terrified, why was I here, why was I chained? The cold restraints sent a shiver down my spine.

"Will it begin?" Flo asked. Will what begin?

"Yes the execution will begin shortly.." Someone I hadn't known before responded, he chuckled.

If I could see him he would probably be wearing a smirk on his face.

"But first.." The man paused for dramatic affect. A light burst on revealing all my pokemon in cages.

"The Pokemon." I didn't understand what was happening until a man dressed in all black walked in. He was carrying an axe.

NOOOOOO! I called through my head, I still couldn't speak, the man went closer and closer to my Pokemon, Meowth.

I fought tirelessly against the restraints to help him, but to no avail. The lights shut off.. screaming echoed through my head, and the lighting returned. Meowth was no where in sight, and a bloody red was now seen on the axe.

NOOO! Tears formed in my eyes as he advanced on to Rotom. Just as before the lights shut off and reappeared quickly. Rotom was gone now as well, I had heard his screams and being shattered.

I sobbed uncontrollably whilst the man got out a 'ghost destroy' device. He sucked Haunter and Banette inside. Their screams echoed through the room as well.

"Now you!" The executioner advances towards me, I didn't fight against it. I had lost my Pokemon, what was there to live for?

The axe was raised, the lights shut off. I closed my eyes I waited for it to be all over.

I jolted up, I was in bed, it was all a dream.

Everyone who had been in the room were looking at me, with concerned looks on their faces.

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