Chapter 1

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I leaned my head against the window the trees blurring the gaps filled with wide open plains with horses grazing. 

       "You know what, Connor I'm thinking of trying barrel racing. You think you can teach me?" I rolled my eyes at my brother knew perfectly well how to barrel race 

       "Adam," My dad warned from the front seat I stopped him before he could continue,

       "Dad, it's fine he's being my twin brother" my Dad grunted but stayed quiet when my mom put a hand on his arm, "how much farther are we from Stone Creek?"  We'd left a good two hours ago on our way to Stone Creek Riding Academy. Me and my Twin brother had been accepted after a whole summer of anticipation. We both have a horse that's a jumper but does rodeo skills to.

"Yep it's right up the road," I lifted my head up and saw large gates coming up on a gravel rode. We turned onto the road leading to the gates and I heard the insights welcoming us from the horses out grazing. My eyes widened in awe as the academy came into view. The minute the car stopped I'd already unbuckled and jumped out of the car only to slam into someone on my way to the trailer. My head collided with someone's shoulder and I ended up going back and slamming into someone else,

    "Gee sis I know ya love me but I thought we talked about body slamming me" in return I elbowed him and stepped to the side looking at who I'd slammed into. He was a pretty tall guy.

      "Sorry didn't see you there I'm O'Connor but you can call me Connor" I said a little awkwardly, any girl could see that this guy was hot - Dark brown somewhat long hair and forget me not green eyes - I offered my hand and the guy took it saying,

     "That's fine, I was actually coming to see if you guys needed any help because I've already gotten settled. Oh and I'm Nick," I smiled and my brother answered before I could,

       "That'd be great and what this midget forgot to mention is that I'm her Twin brother Adam" he offered his hand just as I elbowed him when he called me my ridiculous nickname that he gave me when we were little. Nick shook his hand and I started leading the way to the back of the trailer. I took off my baseball cap that said Equestrian across the top and stuffed it in my back pocket. I unlocked the trailer and saw my brother take a step back when Nick didn't I said,

    "Your gonna want to step back" he did as I said and I swung the door open quickly getting out of the way just as Wind burst out, "You got him?" I yelled at my brother but Wind had already burst away and was galloping around the courtyard. I burst away and saw out of the corner of my eye Adam and Nick do the same.

"You guys block the entrances, he's gonna try to get away!" They did as I said and I grabbed the lead role as it came flying by me. I yanked it as Wind reared and dragged his face down to mine. 

"Shh boy no one's gonna hurt you. Shh, come on let's go. For once he didn't argue and I led him back to the trailer the boys were following behind and Adam jogged up next to me.

"Ya got him from here?" I nodded and Adam ran off to get his horse Ceasar a warmblood gelding. Nick came up next to me after Adam left and let out a whistle,

"That's a hell of a horse what breed is he? And where in the world did you manage to find him?" I nodded smiling a bit,

"He's a thoroughbred and I saved him from kill buyers at an auction" Nicks eyes widened and he let out a low whistle,

"Well it's a good thing you were there because Its be mighty sad to loose a horse like this. Do you know what stable your in?" I nodded smiling a bit more,

"Yeah I'm down at stable six well thank you very much for helping me out but I'd better get going and make sure my brother doesn't get himself lost, I guess I'll see you around" I walked away and heard Nick call out behind me,

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