Chapter 8

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"Hey guys!" I smiled at the rest of my dorm and let out and oof as Casey tackled me into a hug, and then punched me in my right arm,

"Your not allowed to have panic attacks dummy! You almost gave me one!" I laughed,

"Sorry it wasn't something I planned on," smiling I swung my legs over the side of my bed as I was about to stand Adam beat me to it smiling at the doctor as he picked me up,

"Don't worry doc I won't let her do anything but eat and rest for two days," the nurse started laughing as my brother carried me out of the room with me slapping his chest and our dorm following. He carried me into my room and probably would've tucked me into bed in my dirty riding clothes but I made him put me down so I could shower and change.

Once I finished my hot shower I pulled on sweats and a tank top enjoying the feel of comfort. Leaving my bathroom I saw everyone had left finally. Slipping into my bed my eyelids fell shut and I fell into a deep relaxing sleep.

. . .

I opened my eyes sun leaked through the blinds giving the room a sunny glow. Slowly I sat up yawning and wincing from the stiffness in my back.

"Your awake!" I looked over by the Windows and saw Megan jump out of Casey's desk chair. Nodding I slowly climbed down my ladder yawning. Rubbing my eyes I grabbed my zip up hoodie from my desk chair and slipped it on. As soon as I had it on Megan wrapped me in a hug,

"We were so worried!" I let her hug me for a minute longer before pulling way,

"Not that I don't love you or anything it's just I love food more and my stomach is calling for some."

Megan laughed,

"Better be you've been asleep for a day and a half!" My eyes widened, that meant I had four days to get ready for the competition against cross creek. Running into my bathroom I yelled behind me to Megan,

"I need to take a shower, make me breakfast pretty please!" I heard laughter and the door of my dorm room click shut as I turned on the shower and got in.

By the time I was dressed in riding pants, boots,  a plain black long sleeve work out shirt and braided my hair it was 1:00 pm running out of the bathroom I raced out of the dorm and slammed into a chest. I really needed to stop doing that, I looked up from where I had fallen on the ground and saw Nick looking back at me green eyes twinkling with laughter,

"Need a hand up there sleeping beauty" rolling my eyes I took the hand he offered and he pulled me up so we were standing chest to chest faces inches apart,

"Connor I . . . I was sent to tell you your breakfast awaits" I smiled and nodded my stomach growling its thanks. sidestepping him I continued on down the stairs and smiled when I saw everyone at our table. I was nearly in heaven when I smelled bacon and waffles, I more like floated over to the table and sat down in between Casey and Will with Adam on Casey's other side.

Digging in I ate more then anybody else and finished earlier,

"I going to the stable," nearly everyone said no in unison per usual,

"Yes" I said right back, "just cause I'm not captain on the cross country team it doesn't mean I'm not competing with them next week," 

"But aren't you still tired?" Adam reasoned, I shrugged

"Just a little I should be fine," he pursed his lips but nodded and I stood up. Nick stood up as well as Will who both said at the same time,

"I'll come," they both glared at each other so I looked to Casey for guidance but she just shrugged no help what so ever. 

"See now I've got two grumpy Body guards, I'll be fine" leaving the table Will and Nick followed. I basically jumped on Wind when I saw him but I settled for hugging his neck. Nick came up next to me, Will was gone and getting Dash,

"I exercised him for you yesterday, he was doing this weaving thing in his stall so I figured he had a lot of pent up energy," I nodded my thanks, "Adam should've told you this morning but he forgot, your parents came and took Fire home for you yesterday they were talking about retiring her since she's been through so much. I heard your parents on the phone say she seemed back to her old self when she got home," I smiled at that. At Least all that was taken care of. I looked at Nick finally noticing the dark purple bruise on his cheek,

"Nick what happened?" I asked pointing to the bruise he shrugged,

"Whacked myself with a saddle tacking Dante up," I frowned but didn't press turning back to Wind I slipped his lead and halter on while Nick went to get Dante. Leading him to the cross ties I clipped him in next to where Will was brushing Dash. He smiled when he caught me watching and walked over, giving me an awkward hug until he realized I wasn't returning it.. Looking up at his I saw his lips in a frown, backing up I said,

"I need to get Winds tack" pulling away I jogged into the locker room and headed straight to my locker. Opening it up I grabbed my cross country saddle, bridle, polo wraps, vest and grooming box. Hurrying back to Wind I groomed him quickly and saddle him up. By the time I was putting the polo wraps on Will and Nick were already warming up in the ring. Slipping off Winds Halter I slipped the bit into his mouth and bridle over his ears. Leading him to the arena I vaulted up and kicked him into a trot sighing slightly at the familiarity.

In the light of the arena I got a clearer look at Will and Nicks' faces. My lips tightened into a straight line when I saw a bruise on Nicks cheekbone and Wills' jaw. Pulling Wind to a stop in front of them the looks on their faces told me everything I needed to know. 

"You two need to pull your heads out of your butts and learn to get along. I have no clue what that fight was about but I don't care get it together. Your on a team together for God's sake." They lowered their heads not meeting my gaze, shaking my head I kicked Wind into a gallop out of the arena toward the cross country course. Why the heck do I have to have the craziest of days?

I slowed Wind down to a steady lope towards the first jump and we sailed over it. At least our relationship had improved over the past few months. I know I should probably be worried that my parents took Fire home without me but I'm not, they took a load of my chest and at least fire was with flame - her daughter - now.

Taking a deep breath as we neared a bush jump I slowed Wind down a bit and he took the jump with at least 6' to spare. We continued on just me and him wind rushing past us. Smiling I kicked him on faster as we neared a him and stood in my stirrups leaning forward. He went up the hill in lengthy strides. I looked to the side and saw a rabbit dart out of the under brush. Not good. Wind reared but I stayed on and turned him in a tight circle when he landed keeping him from doing it again.

Patting his neck I whispered calm words, as soon as he stopped quivering I kicked him on back toward the stable.

By the time we got there the sun was starting to set and it was starting to drizzle. I dismounted and led Wind over to the cross ties where I'd left my grooming box. Unsinching winds saddle I slid it off of him and set it down next to my grooming box. I slid his bridle of and slid on his halter. Clipping him into the cross ties I grabbed my curry comb and started rubbing it across his back in smooth circles where the dirt from the course had made it onto him. I put the curry comb down and grabbed my hard brush. Wind shifted and snorted at someone. I looked up and saw Will standing at his head and rubbing his nose. I stood up ignoring him and started brushing wind again till all the dirt was off and his coat was clean. Taking my soft brush just as Will started to talk,

"I'm an idiot and I'm sorry Nick was just being a jerk about you being hurt and it made me mad," I looked at him, that didn't sound like Nick but people change. I nodded and continued brushing Wind till his coat was sleek and shiny. Will came up  behind me,

"I'm really sorry Connor," I rolled my eyes,

"It's not me you should be apologizing too and besides I'm not your keeper I have no say in who you fight. All I'm saying is that we're supposed to be a team, me Nick and you so just put aside your problems and get along. 'kay?" I heard Wil mumble an ok and walk away.

I'm sooo sorry for the really slow update! I really hope anybody who read it likes it! Please comment and vote I'd really like to hear what you think of my story so far!

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