Chapter 19

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"Everyone ready to go?" Josie asked coming up to Emma, April and I. We were headed out to see the 'prospects' for our advanced teams today and our first stop was in Montana. About a seven hour drive from here and were taking the same fancy vans with the foldout seats that we used for shows to get there. We had decided to leave a three in the morning. Nick, being the sweet boyfriend he was, had woken me up so I wouldn't be late and saw me out of the dorm. The trainers had decided that we should each bring our horses to keep up with our training not to mention each prospect would get to sit in on one of our lessons.

"I'm ready if you guys are!" Emma responded happily. She was the advanced show jumping team captain while April was the advanced Dressage team captain.

"Alright let's get this show on the ride!" We all jumped as Callia came up behind us clapping her hands together. Laughing at our in Synch jump we all loaded into the van. Hamilton in the front with Callia driving while Jose took a back seat with us because Hamilton said,and I quote, ' you are closest to their age and will understand all teenage girl gibberish,'

"I need a window seat! I get carsick!" Emma said diving in ahead of us to get the seat with the biggest window. Laughing at her antics April, Josie and I follow soon after and settle down so Josie is sitting on the single seat across from us while April takes middle between Emma and I. Settling down for the drive ahead didn't curl my legs up to me soon after we unfold the seats giving everyone room to stretch out and elevate their feet. Slipping out my phone I grin when I see a text from Nick.

Nick: you guys head out yet?

Me: Just left

Me: Wish me luck with all this driving time lol

Nick: Alright, good luck ;)

Me: oooh a winky face? That's different

Nick: *sigh* won't you know I'm always evolving

Me: sure whatever rocks your boat

Nick: ...

Nick: Get some sleep

Me: what have we said about telling me to sleep

Nick: ...

Me: ...

Nick: it's been an early morning I think I'm going to catch a few more hours of sleep, text you when I wake up?

Me: you're learning!

Me: of course

Nick: love you to the moon and back

Me: love you to mars and back

Grinning at our cheesiness I turn off my phone and stuff it in my pocket before grabbing the fuzzy blanket I had stuffed In my bag and curling up on the seat quickly drifting off to sleep.





I let out a loud sneeze as I rub the sleep out of eyes and sit up to see Emma and April giggling. I roll my eyes when I see a feather in Emma's hands,

"Wow, not even twenty four hours and you two are ganging up on me," at this they burst out into full laughter. Turning I see Josie looking at us with a grin on her face.

"Are we almost there?" Emma asked recovering from her laughter,

"About half an hour till we're at the hotel we're staying at tonight, we're stopping there and dropping off our stuff and changing before heading to the show grounds. Actually since your up I'll go over the prospect that'll be there. These prospect are cross country prospects for advanced. There will also be a show jumper but we're not sure if she'll be enough for advanced," we all nodded seriously as Josie took out a folder.

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