Chapter 16

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"Alright guys, I know your curious why I called you here," all the advanced show jumping, advanced Dressage and naturally advanced cross country teams were all assembled in arena one and all of our instructors stood at the front as they took turns talking, Josie starting it off,

"As you all know we have qualified for finals. Now finals is very different from anything you've ever done. As you know when you tried out for your teams we tested you in each discipline. This is where it get complicated. Each team will be split up with two of one discipline in each group." Immediately murmuring started. Josie was right this was going to be very different, another instructor stepped forward i figured she was the dressage instructor from her instructor jacket,

"No team will be allowed to have two team captains on it as the team captains will work together to create their teams. And last but not least the competition will be held next year on March twentieth. While yes we are qualified there are many more competitions to come before we are ready. Now then, seniors and those who cannot return next year please stand."  At least four seniors stood including Lukas and Ally from my cross country team and one from the other teams as well as two others who wouldn't be returning stood.

I gasped, Amy who was on the dressage team and in my dorm was standing. I hadn't gotten to know her very well but I knew she was wonderful at dressage and a nice person and someone on the show jumping team was standing as well. This wasn't good each team was going to need at least two more members. We were still missing one since Sonia left, luckily Jeremy had taken Wills' place not to mention Jeremy was actually a freshman but the other dorms were full so they just tossed him in with our sophomore dorm since we had an open bed though he'd be with sophomores again next year when we moved dorms.

"I know this doesn't look good but we already have prospects to take their places," the instructor continued,

"I assume I should've introduced myself to those who don't know me, I am Callia Larson the advanced Dressage instructor. You will all become very familiar with me very soon." She nodded her head to us all and stepped back then the man that was standing by Josie stepped forward,

"I am Lewis Hamilton the show jumping instructor and I already know most of you but for those who don't know me I tell you this, focus on what you want and you'll reach amazing heights and I hope to help both you and your horse get there," I grinned he wasn't my show jumping instructor because he specialized with the advanced show jumping team, but I could already tell I'd enjoy working with him.

"I know this is a lot of information to take in and for those leaving us we will all miss s you and we hope to see you in the future." He continued and I saw a few of the seniors with saddened faces, "one more thing, as for the prospects we have been looking at We'd like captains to join us on a trip in 1 month to help with evaluating them," my eyes widened as I remembered Anna was one of them. I started to squirm I needed to see her on Flame and soon.

"Now then we expect you all to be practicing and preparing for the selections. Captains start thinking about this all. We know these teams will go far. You are all dismissed," I looked at Nick whose brows were furrowed, thinking.

"Next year is going to be nuts," he nodded. It was currently March 17th and we'd officially been together for about a month and a half. I still hadn't been completely cleared by the doctor so I still had to wear a knee brace but I could ride, well with the doctors consent this time. School was out in two months and two weeks but it was going to be a whirlwind till then.

 Standing I reached my hand to him and he looked up before intertwining his fingers with mine and stood up. Casey came up on my other side with Adam. While Adam wasn't technically on these advanced teams he'd started interning with the vet on campus and was now going on all the trips with the team's for experience and just in case of any sudden emergencies. Casey on the other hand was on advanced show jumping naturally although she wasn't captain. 

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