Chapter 12

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"Girls! Let's go already!" Casey and I laughed as the boys banged on the door. 

"Just a minute it takes more than five minutes for ladies to get ready unlike you hooligans! Now go get us some food and we might consider coming out," Casey shouted, we heard grumbling and the sound of footsteps fading away.

"Dang, remind me to have you on call whenever Adams annoying me," Casey grinned and sat down in front of me done with the two Dutch braids she'd done for me,

"I actually have a huge favor to ask, would it be alright if I spent break with you? My parents are going to be in Alaska for all of break working on a rescue horse program but they won't be able to come home and I don't really want to spend break alone at the school," I grinned my eyes lighting up,

"Heck yeah that would be amazing!" Casey's whole face lit up,

"Great! Now lets finish getting dressed then then we need to go shopping for the parade, we are going to look amazing!" Casey said heading to the suitcases,

"Here wear this," she tossed me my form fitting black and grey flannel as well as jeans and a white long sleeve top to go under it. I smiled,

"You finally understand me," she laughed,

"I always did," grinning I went into the bathroom and changed when I came back out Casey was changed into a purple long sleeve shirt, fake fur lined fleece, jeans and winter boots. Casey tossed me my knitted beanie and vest,

"Your gonna want to wear those and those," she pointed to my winter boots, "it's hella cold," smiling I finished my ensemble and grabbed my phone and wallet,

"Lets go already I'm starving," we made out way out of the room making sure to grab the room key. Walking down the stairs to the dining area to find the boys at a booth with waffles on five plates. Slipping into the booth, me next to Ben and Nick and Casey next to Adam who pecked her on the cheek.

"Finally we can eat," Ben said digging into his waffles. Smiling I dug in as well not before I heard an annoying laugh,

"Wow I wouldn't have come here if I'd known it was the loser hotel." I looked up and saw Jar with his team,

"Great it really is the loser hotel now Jake, your here," I heard a snicker come from behind me,

"Yeah right Connor just wait till nationals, it's a full eventing competition, last I checked I'd never seen you do a dressage competition," I stood up,

"Just because you haven't seen me do it doesn't mean I can't. Besides," I smirked, "I've already proven I can beat you at jumping and that's already let's see two thirds of the competition," Jake's smile fell,

"We'll see Connor we'll see," I glared and sat down as he left. Everyone stared at me,

"You. Are. Crazy."I grinned at Casey,

"I know," laughing we finished eating, while the others grabbed their stuff Adam draped his arms over my shoulders as we walked out of the dining area, 

"I didn't know that it was eventing did you?" I shook my head,

"We will be ready I trust my team," Adam looked at me seriously,

"You've lost two members of your team, two new members are coming in including two new students," I gave his a confused look, "Sonia s left the school and Will transferred to Jake's school and team," my jaw dropped, Will left?

"You didn't know did you?" I shook my head and his gaze softened, "Cross Stream offered him a scholarship after seeing his ride, can't say I'm sad to see him go though," I nodded and the others caught up,

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