Chapter 13

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"Here, let me help Connor," I shook my head at Adam as I slid out of our parents truck. My Knee in a brace. One week had passed. One week since Wind strained a tendon in his front right leg. One week since I woke up in a hospital my knee in a brace. One week since I've seen Wind. One week since I used a whip on Wind. Wind. The horse who's trust was broken so easily and won't let anyone near him.

Adam stood off to the side near by Casey next to me with my bag.

"Adam come help me with the horses," I heard my Dad call from by the trailer. I immediately started walking toward the house with a slight limp. You should be able to get back to riding a few weeks after school starts maybe even sooner my doctor said. A light fracture on your knee but it will heal much faster than a broken bone. Make sure you take it easy And keep your knee in the brace whenever your walking on it. The fracture though, where that came from. That came from Winds hoof coming down at me.

I blinked back the tears that were forming in my eyes and jogged up the stairs as fast as I could. Entering my room I heard Casey stay downstairs talking with my Mom. Collapsing on the bed sobs came out as I looked at the picture of me and Wind on my bed side table. I looked so happy. So carefree and Wind seemed to be nibbling on my hair and I was looking up at him in adoration.

"Why me? Why does this always happen to me?" I said as I heard my door open knowing it was my Mom,

"Oh sweetie," I felt her sit down beside me on my bed and start stroking my hair, "I don't know why bad thing happen to good people but I do know Fire isn't gone and Wind isn't gone either he just needs some help. Your both lost and he's waiting for you to find him."

I turned to look at her,

"But it's my fault we're lost in the first place," my Mom stayed silent for a moment before saying,

"You were trying save him not hurt him and I think he knows this. He just needs reassurance that you know this," I gave my Mom a hug,

"Thanks mom," sitting up I wiped away the tears that had started to run down my face. "I think I should probably go and save Casey from Dad and Adam," my Mom laughed,

"Now there's a good idea," hobbling down the stairs took some time but I made it. Making my way into the kitchen I found Adam and our Dad arguing about the best way to cook a burger and poor Casey sitting between them.

"Hey you two would you quit with the burgers. Poor Casey is our guest and here you are arguing with her in between you," my Mom said hands on her hips. My dad and brother immediately stopped arguing,

"Yes ma'am," I laughed as they said it in unison, Casey and Mom did as well. 

"Now then it's Christmas eve tomorrow and we still need to bake cookies and you boys know the rules. No boys in the kitchen when the ladies are baking!" We all laughed as my Dad and Adam left the room to go watch Tv. Me and my Mom started grabbing ingredients while we instructed Casey on what to add and how much. 

By the time we'd finished we had flour smeared all over our faces and clothes

 Grinning I threw a towel at Casey,

"You've got a little something there," I said outlining her whole body. She laughed and I heard the door bell ring.

"I'll get it," hobbling to the door took longer than I thought but I made it.

"Hello-" I froze. Nick stood on the other side of the door, a bag by his feet.

"Nick? What're'ya doing here?" He smiled,

"Adam invited me to stay for a few days while my parents are out of town," I heard footsteps behind me,

"So your this Nick I've heard all about," I heard my Dad say,

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