Chapter 5

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"Connor! Get up! You've gotta get up now!" I jolted awake at Casey's tone and quickly climbed down to her level,

"What's wrong?!" She smiled,

"Which top should I wear?"  She said holding up a lavender blouse and a loose navy blue blouse, I rolled my eyes,

"The blue one of course, why?" She smiled again,

"Because our dorm is going to a grill tonight" I rolled my eyes again,

"I'm not going to any grill tonight" Casey stuck out her bottom lip pouting,

"Please, it's karaoke night," I took a deep breath and said,

"Ok but no singing" Casey nodded jumping up and down squealing,

"This is going to be so much fun!" I rolled my eyes at her excitement and went to change into something till I had to change for tonight. I put on jeans, red converse, a black v-neck tee and strapped my brace over my shoulder wincing as I tightened it. I quickly French braided my hair and went down stairs for breakfast running into Will as I did. I gritted my teeth as pain shot up my shoulder and backed up from Will,

"Sorry didn't see you there" Will laughed,

"Obviously, how's your shoulder feeling?" 

"Um like I strained it" Will laughed again,

"Well then I guess I'll walk with you down to breakfast," this time I smiled,

"My hero" we both laughed and made our way down the remaining stairs,

"Ah sleeping beauty arrives, how's the shoulder feeling?" I glared at Adam but replied,

"It'll be better once I take a few pain killers" Adam nodded and pushed them toward me and a cup of orange juice. I swallowed the pills and orange juice, grabbed a pop tart and made my way out only to be stopped by Adam,

"Umm I hope your not planning on riding" I shrugged and weaved past him out the door. I jogged out to the stable and went up to Winds stall. He immediately came over to me and nudge my right shoulder as if to say, ' where have you been I missed you' I kissed him on the nose and gave him a hug.

"How do you feel about going for a small walk?"  he nickered and I opened his stall door and climbed onto his back grimacing a little bit. I walked him into an arena and saw as soon as I entered knew it was arena eight. The barrels were set up in that triangle pattern and I saw Nick enter on Dante riding western. He looked up when he noticed me enter and walked Dante over,

"I thought your not supposed to ride?" I shrugged, "Well since your here mind giving me a few pointers?" I nodded,

"Show me what ya got," he nodded and walked over to the starting gate. He nodded at me and I nodded back he burst out of the gate. He made it around the barrel well but when he got to the second barrel he lifted his hands to high and took the turn to tight thoroughly knocking it over. He didn't phase but continued on but ended up doing the same thing with the third barrel. They ran back fast but it didn't help much, he brought Dante over next to Wind and said,

"Umm yeah I did something wrong" I laughed,

"Yeah not that bad just a few beginner mistakes, when you were going around the second and third barrel you acted like you were show jumping. Also don't tense up when your going around the Barrel you've gotta trust Dante because when you tense up he can tell and well that happens, so go ahead and take him around one more time," Nick nodded and went back to the starting gate.

They burst out of the gate going around the barrels cleanly, his time wasn't amazing but it was a definite improvement. I clapped as they trotted over and smiled at Nick,

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