Chapter 7

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"Oh honey we're so sorry, you already in grief when she got hurt and we couldn't tell you she was gonna be alright especially after saying you were never gonna barrel race again. We never thought she'd show up at the school." My mom said crying my Dad at her side and Adam at mine as wee talked through Skype.

"I get it Mom but this time we've gotta take her home her riders selling her and I can't loose her again" my Mom nodded,

"We'll call her new owners" we waited a bit before they came back on screen, "she was already for sale and they happily finalized the deal, we're picking her up tomorrow," I nodded and after saying bye I closed my laptop, I leaned into my brother who embraced me.

"You aren't mad?" I shook my head,

"I understand why they did it doesn't mean I like it but I get it," I heard a knock on the door and left my brothers embrace to get it I was met with 5 how are you and one I'll punch Sonia for you from Nick. I smiled at my dorm touched that they cared. Accepting a hug from Casey I said,

"I'll be ok, I'm gonna go for a ride who wants to come," everyone said yes and we mad your way to the stable. By the time we got to the barn it had started to rain and from what we could see that rain was becoming snow. I jogged over to Winds stall and gave him a kiss on his nose. I froze when I heard laughing much worse. Sonias' laugh. Taking a deep breath I clipped Winds lead on and led him out of the stall to the cross ties. I clipped him in and smiled as he nudged me, the first time he'd ever done that. I smiled and threw my arms around his neck, breathing in his horsey scent I whispered so only he could hear,

"You are my only boy and I love you" he nickered and thrust his head against my chest as if saying 'I know' giving him another kiss on his nose I went into the locker room to get my saddle and froze when I heard Sonia's voice,

"O'Connor Steele right? Famous barrel racer then oh look at this a tragic accident and her Career ends" I turned around slowly to face her. She has a smirk on her face and her eyes are narrowed,

"I wondered whether it was true or not, I guess it is I wonder what the school will say to that. Better yet your friends." She walked forward face triumphant and I heard someone enter the stable I looked and saw Megan taking in the scene. Sonia not noticing continued,

"Who would've thought your just a little brat that gave up the minute she got a small scrape." I clenched my fists shaking in fury,

"And that horse I mean what types of owner does that to their horse," that was it. She pulled the last straw, launching myself at her hand balled in a fist I punched her straight in the face. Sonia stumbled back into the wall. I could hear Wind pawing the ground behind me his head going up and down as if to say,

"Oh yeah she deserved that,"  dang it. I looked at my hand already bruising and of course the smart me had punched her with my left arm. Well it was definitely gonna need ice. Looking back at Sonia I saw her clutching her eye,

"What the hell! The principal will hear about this." I glared at her,

"I'll tell you this once more and only once more, come anywhere near me or my horse and I'll punch you so hard that pretty little nose of yours breaks. Stay away from my friends horses and family as well. You got problems I can tell. But if you can't figure out those problems, then leave us out of them. Because either have never ever done anything to deserve this type of treatment from you," Sonia just gasped at me and I turned heel and marched back to Wind.

I was done fighting her, she needed to figure out her problems and not drag other people down into them. I took a deep breath as I picked up a soft brush and began finishing the grooming I'd started earlier. Murmuring soft words to Wind I calmed him down a bit. I finished grooming him and went to get my saddle but not before I felt a rush of dizziness. I saw Megan coming over with her horse. Seeing me leaning on the wall she rushed over,

"Connor? What's wrong?" I looked at her,

"I feel dizzy, really dizzy," she nodded and helped me sit down.

"Alright keep looking at me and take deep breaths your having a panic attack," I did as she said and saw her take out her phone, calling someone, she started to get blurry and I struggled to keep my eyes open,

"Hey Adam get down to the cross ties now. It's Connor, she's having a panic attack," I managed to stay conscious, and I hear someone else come up recognizing the voice as Nicks,

"Megan? What's going on?" People constantly seem to be asking that today,

"She's having a panic attack, would you try to calm Wind down he's freaking out," I heard faint bobbing and the jangling of lead ropes. Megan started to get blurry again,

"Connor no! You are not allowed to pass out! You hear me!" I heard a large neigh, and a thud, Megan's faced was replaced by Wind's and I saw Nick coming after him rubbing his butt,

"Damn horse got away as soon as I tried to take him to his stall," smiling a little I gathered some strength and rested my hand on Wind's nose which was down and sniffing me.

"Good boy Wind," starting to breathe easier I heard Adam's voice,

"Connie!" I felt him start pulling me into his arms.

"Come on your going to the nurse." Like I usually do when I'm in Adams arms I snuggled deeper into them and laid my head against his chest.

"Nick, can you take care of Wind? Megan can you find Josie?" I heard each of them agree and take off doing their assigned jobs. Adam started walking,

"Ahh Connie what are we going to do with you?" I smiled at him a bit and closed my eyes no longer able to keep them open. Adam would keep me safe. My brother always kept me safe.

Alrighty I'm gonna change it up a bit and put it in Nicks view so we know what's going on while Connors asleep.

"Come on Wind, you can't follow her," it was amazing how protective he'd become of Connor in just these past almost three months. Connor definitely one who's to work her magic. I struggled with the high strung Thoroughbred for about 5 more minutes before he finally went into his stall and started to quite obviously mope around.

Making my way out of the stable I jogged to the nurses building only to see the rest of my dorm making there way as well, Casey in the lead.

Slowing down I started walking next to Casey,

"Nick, so you know what happened?" She asked,

"Yeah she had a panic attack not sure what from though," Casey nodded,

"I think I do," I gave a confused look but she didn't say anything else. 

When we got to the nurses office the front desk lady looked a little over whelmed with us all there so me and Casey had the others go sit down and we spoke with the front desk lady,

"We're here to see Connor," the lady looked in her database,

"Room 6" we thanked her and mad your way there. The building was a little to much like a hospital and it kind a freaked me out. There were maybe three other students occupying the rooms

"Alright then Connor your on a strict resting policy, no school or riding for at least two days," we all smiled a little when we heard Connor start protesting on the no riding policy but the doctor muscle shushed her. Poking our heads in the room we saw Adam, Megan and Josie standing the right of Connor the nurse to the left.

"Surprise" We all said smiling when we saw Connor sitting up looking much better than when we saw her in the barn.

Thank you all for reading sorry for such a short chapter!

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