Chapter 2

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I turned to Casey as my parents pulled out of view,

"Oh this troublemaker, this is Running Wind otherwise known as Wind. Oh and watch out he's as hot headed as any boy especially since he's only three," Casey laughed and went up to Winds side and patted his shoulder. Oh, shoot,

"Casey watch out!" Wind reared front legs lashing Casey moved out of the way just as Wind's lead untied, I cursed under my breath and ran forward grabbing the lead. He reared again. Yanking the lead with such force that is threw me off balance. I looked up and he started coming down, someone grabbed me and dragged me out of the way as Adam ran forward and grabbed the lead yanking him down and started doing tee touch on his forehead which calmed him down by a lot.

"Hey you ok?" I stood up brushing myself off and turned around to see Nick standing behind me. I smiled,

"Yeah thanks a lot" he shrugged and Casey ran at me and gave a hug,

"Oh my god Connor I'm so sorry! I didn't think that would happen," I laughed at Casey's worrying,

"Hey it's fine with should've warned you that Wind is really tense  around new people and sometimes even old," She finally released me and nodded,

"Ok so who's this?" She said motioning to Nick,

"Oh this is Nick he's in our dorm,  Nick this is Casey my roommate" Nick smiled and accepted Casey's hand when she offered it,

"Nice to meet you Casey" she smiled back at him,

"Right back at you Nick," 

"Well then I'm gonna go save Wind from my brother and get him settled in,"

"Oh is it alright if I come I want you to meet Camelot my horse" I nodded and jogged over to my brother taking the lead from him.  He gave me a pat on the shoulder then jogged off to get Caesar. 

Casey fell in step besides me as we entered the stable, and again all I could say was,

"Wow" I led Wind over to the stall with his silver nameplate first one of the left just like home. Instead of putting him inside I tied his lead rope to one of the rails, planning on taking him for a short ride so he could stretch his legs.

"Ok so where's this Camelot?" I said looking around as Casey led me over to a stall that held a palomino,

"This is Camelot he's a cross between thoroughbred and quarter horse. I've had him about 5 years now" she said stroking him fondly,

"Well he definitely is a looker" she let out a snort,

"Compared to your boy over there I don't think so" I jumped when I felt my brother come up and put an arm around my shoulder,

"Aww thanks Casey I think I don't look half bad either," I elbowed him in the ribs,

"She was talking about Wind" he placed a hand on his chest acting offended,

"So there's a cafe a little while out that you can take a back trail on if you guys want to go on a ride," I looked over at Nick who I hadn't even noticed was there,

"Ooh that sounds great what's the cafe called?" This time Casey spoke,

"Ooh I know it isn't it the Harts & Hooves cafe?" Nick nodded and I unlatched myself from my brother.

"Ok so it looks like our parents set up our barn lockers so I'm gonna go get a bridle and ride wind bareback and I'll meet you guys outside" they all nodded and Casey joined me as I went to the lockers seeing as the boys were already tacked up planning on going. I opened my barn locker and grabbed my western bridle but froze when I saw the saddle on the bottom. I ran my hand over the saddle remembering the way it felt. It was my western saddle the one I haven't used since the accident. Shaking myself out of my daze I slammed the locker door closed and looked over to see Casey only have a bridle,

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