Chapter 4

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I slumped against my locker and slid to the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest. I leaned my head back and covered my face with my hands. I'd managed to keep it all in around everyone but here all alone I let it all come out. While I was trying to get wind under control the way he acted the way he attacked Jake and reared. My little Fire did the same thing and if brought back all the flashes I've been trying to avoid since the accident.

I heard someone come in and sit down next to me,

"I take it that you've got quite lot more going on than you let people see," I looked up and saw Megan sitting next to me. I nodded tears streaming down my face,

"The accident if was worse than you think" she nodded sadly and took me into a hug. We stayed like that for awhile until I raised my head,

"Ok I've gotta go get Wind ready for cross country placements," she nodded and we both stood up. I wiped my eyes and opened my locker grabbing my cross country saddle, bridle, saddle pad, and polo wraps which someone had slipped into my locker for me when Wind was getting patched up. I slipped my vest back on and made my way over to Wind dropping my stuff off at the cross ties. I grabbed Winds lead rope and quickly clipped it on him before I opened his stall door. I led him down to the cross ties and quickly re - groomed and tacked him. I led him to the arena that they said cross country was in and saw a few people already there including Sonia, Will, and Ben. I gave Ben and Will a small wave as I walked over. I pulled Wind to a stand still and vaulted up. I immediately noticed Wind was being extra tense and saw Sonia was on the gelding from earlier. I pulled Wind away and saw Ben come up next to me,

"So your a Cross country girl, I should've seen that coming especially with his build," I nodded,

"Yep I do Cross Country and Show jumping, what's your second riding expertise now that I see you clearly do Cross Country,"

He shrugged

 "It's the only one you don't have to worry about how perfect you look and my second one is actually rodeo so yeah" my eyes widened ever so slightly,

"They have rodeo classes here" under my breath I added, "I'm gonna murder him" Ben looked at me curiously but nodded,

"Yeah they do Josie actually sometimes has us do rodeo skills to change things up a bit" my eyes widened even more,

"Well I might just pull a disappearing act on those days," his brows furrowed,

"If you don't know how, that's fine she usually uses some of the kids who have done it before as an example," I mentally sighed, I most definitely know how to do it,

"Um ok but anyways you ready for the test?" He nodded,

"I think so, oh and I forgot to ask how's this guy doing?" He said mentioning to Wind,

"He's gonna be ok just a few cuts" I heard a sharp laugh a little ways over. I looked over and saw Sonia laughing,

"Your just lucky that beast of a horse didn't kill Jake and that trick to calm him down, geez that must be one powerful sedative" my face hardened and I yelled at her back,

"If I remember correctly Jake's also the one who almost smashed you and if I hadn't yelled at you there'd be a Sonia pancake in the courtyard and your horse swung his rump at Wind not the other way around. So turn that petty little finger around because it should be pointing at you. And unless you want my fist to hit home this time I suggest you shut it," all the cross country kids stared at me and I saw Will choke back a laugh covering it with a cough. Sonia just gasped and Ben did the most ridiculous nothing he clapped and hollered,

"Get put in your place!" The rest of the kids stopped staring and laughed at Ben's comment until I heard a sharp whistle,

"Ok then Sonia no more comments like that because I'd really hate to break up a fist fight on the first day. Now then whose ready for some cross country?" Every body hollered,

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