Chapter 10

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I officially love weekends and hate getting up early even if it's for a show. The school week ended quickly with the fact being I'd only been in school for two days and now it was the day of the show. My alarm had gone off at 3 am due to the fact it was a four hour drive and we had to be there and ready to ride at 8 am. Yawning, I slid down my ladder and pulled on my white breeches,  a pair of black sweats over them and a grey athletic long sleeve with thumb wholes deciding to change into my nice black one there and avoiding the chances of it getting dirty.

  Packing my athletic jacket, cross country vest, black helmet, paddocks boots and black half-chaps into my duffel I pulled on my moccasins and also hunter green SCRA cross country team sweatshirt. Before leaving I Dragged a brush through my hair leaving it down and put on my equestrian ball cap. Slipping out of my room I closed the door so I wouldn't wake Casey and made my way out of the dorm. Yawning as I walking into the Cold air and to the barn I took a deep breath of the warm horse and hay smell filled barn. 

Making my way over to Wind I stepped into his stall and patted his neck waking him up. I'd seen Will, Ben and Nick already in their horses stalls but I didn't bother going over to them. Pulling on his leather halter I clipped on his black lead line and led him out of the stall to the cross ties. Clipping him in I picked his hooves and groomed him quickly before pulling his blanket back on and slipping his hooves into his travel boots. Although I'd groomed him the day before Wind has a special talent of getting dirty even with his blanket on.

I stepped back and thought for a second before I put his tail in his tail bag not wanting it to get super tangled before the competition. Leaving him there I went and grabbed my all-purpose saddle and bridle, before i changed my mind I grabbed his Martingale and black saddle blanket. I walked quickly over to him just in time to see Josie show up with Ally, Sonia and Lukas with their horses along with Ben, Will and Nick at the cross ties brushing their own horses. Smiling at them all I set my saddle down next to where Wind was patiently waiting head bowed down dozing. Patting his cheek I turned to Josie,

"We heading out yet?" She nodded her head,

"I'm choosing which cars you go in and which trailers your horses go in. Oh, and Casey and Adam are coming as well I decided they would come for the experience and because Adam said and I quote, "I wanna see my little sis kick all their butts and sass them into oblivion," we all laughed and I smiled,

"Lead the way then" taking Winds lead rope I hefted my duffel onto my shoulder and picked my saddle up with the same hand balancing It on my forearm, bridle just barely off the ground in the same hand. As we walked Josie explained the seating arrangements to me,

"I've put you with Adam, Casey, Nick and Ben while Ally, Lukas, Sonia and Will are in the other car, horses are in the trailers that are attached to their riders car. I'm driving the car your in so someone is sitting up front with me and the others are having Lucy another dorm hall manager drive them." I nodded and led Wind into the trailer after giving Adam and Casey my stuff and respectfully punching Adam good morning.

"Alright guys I want Adam, Casey, Nick, Ben and Connor with me in the front car then the rest of you are are in the second one put your horses in the trailer attached to the car your in and let's hurry up and get this show on the road," I dropped off my bags and tack into the trunk and quickly led Wind to the front stall of the trailer and locked him in. Giving him a kiss on hiss cheek I ducked out of the stall to clear the way for the others. Sliding into the car I saw it was basically a mini limo with wrap around seats that each were a bit longer and wider than normal ones. Stealing the seat closest to the window Nick slid in on my left, Casey on my right Adam next to her and Ben took the front seat headphones on. I grabbed the throwbacks and pillow before settling with my head on the pillow on Casey's lap and my legs curled next to me.

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