Chapter 18

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"Connor get Wind on the bit!" Callia shouted from where she rode her bay Arabian, Fancy, or independent beauty. We had just gotten back from break a day ago and our instructors had decided that they would switch it up today and sent each team off with a different instructor. Show jumping with Josie for cross country, dressage with Lewis for Show jumping and cross country with Callia for dressage...because let's face it the cross country team is the most free riding of the three. 

"Jeremy! Don't let her do that! Keep her in line!" I was remembering now why I decided not to take dressage this year. Callia was known for her hard lessons and her 'take no crap for anyone attitude'.

"No!" I held back a laugh as I saw Ben flash by Star having spooked when he Ben asked for an extended trot. Ben had told me a while ago that she wasn't used to dressage as her family was a more just hit the gas and jump type of riders.

"Ben! Get that horse in line!" 


"Nick don't think I didn't see that! Let Dante off the bit one more time and I'll ride him!" I swear the whole team gulped. It wasn't as though Callia was a harsh rider it's just when you think of Mamma bear riders that the horses know as  'the one who won't let them get away with anything' you immediately think of Callia and all the things you let your horse get away with flash through your mind and you're suddenly worried about you and your horses sanity.

"Good Jeremy that's lovely, now keep her in that form and transition to a canter," all heads turned to watch as Jeremy transitioned with Venus into a canter. A large sigh of relief was released when Venus held the form her head down on the bit. Although each horse was foaming at the mouth, and both rider and horse were slicked in sweat we had fifteen more minutes of this hour and a half lesson to go. Focusing on my own horse I asked one more time for the bit and this time his head bent in without protest. I frowned, my poor baby boy was to exhausted to protest. Sneaking a pat on his neck I murmured words of encouragement as I to tried for a canter. I sent a quick prayer of thanks as he held it and Callia finally called us to the center.

"Alright that's enough you guys look like you're about to fall off your horses," 

"Whose fault is that?" I choked back a laugh having heard Ben's under his breath comment. If Callia had heard that she'd do something crazy like make him run laps-without star-around the arena.

"Alright go hose your horses off and I suggest you take an ice bath tonight as well," I swear we all shivered just at the thought. Dismounting of off Wind I awkwardly waddled my way to Nick, my legs jello.

"And I though cross country with no stirrups was hard," Nick gave me a pained expression,

"You're telling me," laughing we made our way to the cross ties and gave Wind and Dante a good rub down before setting them loose of the oats and hay that waited in their stalls. I felt arms drape over me and heard a dramatic groan,

"Remind me never again to doubt your athleticism with cross country!" I laughed at Casey's demand and wrapped an arm around her waist,

"Alright, I give in, I want an ice bath so lets go!" Dragging our feet we somehow made it to our dorms where we pulled on shorts, sports bras and tank tops before heading to the sports facility on campus. It's quite odd you would think the ice baths would be in the locker rooms but instead they were in a sports facility made for ice baths, normal gym equipment and any other shortly needs. Entering we stopped at the front desk and the boy there took one look at us before saying,

"Ice baths are over there," mumbling our thanks we made it to the baths, grabbed a hot chocolate that they were handing out and chose two baths in a corner.

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