Chapter 22

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"As you already figured out it is colic luckily it was caught early on," Dr. Fredrick confirmed as we stood in the waiting area of the clinic. Nicks arm wrapped around my waist as I leaned into him fatigue from the night finally setting in. "And since we caught it early on there wasn't a need for a surgery and Running Wind will be ok. We would like to keep him overnight for observation but there shouldn't be any problems for him to go back tomorrow afternoon." I sighed in relief as Dr. Fredrick finished.
"Can I see him?" I asked straightening up. Dr. Fredrick nodded and Nick released me to follow Dr. Fredrick down the hall. Walking quickly I nearly cried in relief when I saw Wind standing ears perked, head rising slowly as I arrived at his stall. Not bothering to ask I moved into his stall quickly throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face into his mane.
"Oh Wind, don't you dare do that ever again," I murmured inhaling his sweet smell.
"Connor?" I lifted my head only for a moment to see Adam standing outside the stall. He frowned his eyes asking the unsaid question, do you need anything?
"I'm staying here until he leaves," I stated softly not leaving it up for discussion,
"I'll talk to Dr. Fredrick," was all he said before I head his footsteps fade away.
I smiled softly as Wind curled his head around so it rested over my back pulling me into a horse hug. Rubbing the soft spot behind his ears I grinned wider when I heard him sigh almost as though all the tension was leaving his body. Eventually I released him from the hug and settled down on the ground leaning against the wall as Wind closed closed his eyes head drooping low as he fell asleep. Relaxing for the first time since last night I closed my own eyes and slowly nodded off to sleep.
When I woke I found Nick sitting beside me, his arm wrapped around me his own eyes open and watching Wind who was looking around much more alert then when I first saw him earlier.

"Morning beautiful," I have Nick a sleepy smile burrowing deeper into his side," you practically slept through the day, Wind is being released in a bjt and you need to get packing. You go home tomorrow," he informed me. I sighed not bothering to move, packing could wait.

"Ms.Steele?" I looked up to see a Vet tech looking over the stall door, "it's time to get Running Wind ready to go," I smiled softly and stood stretching before accepting the halter and lead Nick handed me. Slipping it on Wind, I opened the stall door and less him out. Happy to see him standing strongly.

"Ms. Steele, we recommend the running Wind be kept on stall rest for at least a week and is brought back into work not to suddenly," the Vet tech informed me as we walked to the SCRA trailer waiting outside. I was happy to find Josie and Adam standing by the open trailer door. Leading Wind up the ramp slowly I tied him in and hopped out quickly moving around to the truck after Adam latched the door and ramp shut. Waving to the vet tech as Adam hopped in the front seat while Nick took the seat next to me.

"Alright let's get you guys back," Josie said as she pulls d outbound the clinic parking lot and onto the road. Leaning my head on Nicks shoulder I smiled softly as I watched Josie and Adam squabble over the radio. I was going to miss this so much. As we drove back to the school yet again I slowly nodded off to sleep.
"Connor we're here," sitting up slowly I rubbed my eyed and unbuckled my seat belt before sliding out of the truck after Nick.
Jogging around back to the trailer as Josie swung it open I slipped inside to get wind. Sighing when I saw Wind looking around and when he saw me letting out a low nicker. Grinning I untied his lead and slowly led him out of the trailer and to the barn.
Letting him into his stall I quickly hung up him halter and lead before returning my attention to him but am soon interrupted by Adam who starts pushing me out of the stable.
"Wind will be fine if he is left alone for a bit but you on the other hand will be strangled by our parents tomorrow if you aren't packed." I started to object but Abadan just sighs and in one smooth move throws me over his shoulder.
"Adam! Let me down!!" I complained slapping him on the back. My head jerked up when I felt Adam slap me on the butt.
"Cool it Lil sis," I rolled my eyes and stopped fighting him as we entered the dorm and I got some weird looks from our friends who just shook their heads. Adam slowly climbed the stairs and dropped me at my door only for me to be grabbed and pulled into Casey and I's dorm room by Casey.
"Finally!" Casey exclaimed throwing a suitcase at me,
"Get packing! It's four in the afternoon! You have to be packed and ready to go by 11 am tomorrow and the final dorm ride is in two hours," I sighed in response,
" you know I can't ride Wind right?" Casey grinned,
"That's why your doubling with Me! You can't get around this!" She said tanking open my drawers and neatly packing some of my clothes into a suitcase while I got up and packed the one she had given me with all but one pair of riding clothes for tomorrow. It actually didn't take us that long to pack all of my things as the most things o had were pictures and riding clothes.
"Ladies we're leaving in ten!" Adam called through our door causing me to jump up from where I sat packing the final bit of my clothes.
"Alright we'll be down in a minute!" Casey called back from on top of a chair where she was taking down the last of our shared posters. Sighing we both took another look around the room sad that it seemed so empty now. Linking elbows we exited our dorm and jogged down the stair to meet the others before we all headed to the barn. Seeing that everyone was there when we got there we all headed out to the barn separating once their to each horse. Saying a hello to Wind with a kiss on his nose I walked over to where Casey was sliding a western no brow band bridle in Camelot who stood by patiently. Grinning at me she led Camelot out of his stall and mounted onto his bareback before offering a hand down to me. Grabbing her hand I pulled myself up and we waited by the entrance as the other mounted up almost all of them with their western saddles. Grinning as Adam and Nick came up besides us Casey kicked Camelot in the flanks going at a flat out gallop as we heard the guys and Megan complaining behind us. Grinning as I held onto my best friend I close my eyes and just enjoyed the feel of the wind in my hair and hoof beats beneath me.
"Woah Cam woah," I heard Casey call as she slowed Camelot and he started to prance beneath us.
Eventually Camelot slowed to a walk and soon enough the other caught up,
"Really you two? You had to leave me with the boys?" Megan complained rousing a few objections from the guys.
"Alright Alright, how about we continue the ride?" Jeremy calmed us waving forward Casey and I as he fell in beside us with the others following.
"In all fairness I totally won that race," Jeremy whispered over to us loud enough for the others to hear,
"On your dreams freshman!!" Adam called from the back next to Nick who calmly patted Dante,
"Wanna bet Steele?" Jeremy taunted grinning as Adam glared realizing there was no way for him to reach Jeremy at this moment,
"One day, one day," he muttered causing me to laugh.
"Hey you guys want to canter?" I asked getting a unanimous yes. Laughing I held onto Casey and she yet again urged Camelot forward only this time into a canter. Grinning as the palomino moved smoothly beneath us his step never faltering as Casey urged him forward. This was how you could tell a rose trusted his rider. When he moved forward to where his rider wanted without question.
Eventually we came up to the steepest part of down hill in the trail that required a walk. Leaning back as Casey slowed Camelot we made our way down the trail single file. Grinning as we hit the end and Camelot instantly went back into a canter only this time uphill and toward the top of the trail where the best view of the academy was. We came to a stop the other lining up beside us as we looked out over the academy. I smiled as I saw my friends match my own feelings on their faces. Even if we were going home tomorrow a part of our hearts would always remain at the academy. To much had happened here for it not to. Besides we were Stone Creek riding academy riders.

Ahhhhh I can't believe I actually finished the first book! Thank you so much to all the readers who stuck with me this whole time! And I am so sorry it took so long to finish! Anywho the next book will also be up tonight with the first chapter! And again I cannot that anyone who read this enough!
Have an amazing day y'all

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