Chapter 15

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Sliding into a booth a laughed as Jeremy told us about how his old horse Bandit once completely tossed him onto the ground when a little five year-old girl approached him with a balloon and lollipop.

"It was terrible her mom must've reprimanded me for almost twenty was terrifying!" I giggled,

"Sounds like it..." I said trailing off as my phone buzzed. My Mom's number came up, "hey guys give me a second my mom's calling me," they nodded and continued talking as. I slid out of the booth and went outside,

"Hey Mom what's up?"

"Hey sweetie so I have a question to ask you," 

"Yeah shoot," 

"So do you remember our family friend Anna?" I nodded then remembered she couldn't see,

"Yeah she's my age and rides as well right?" I heard a shuffle, she totally just nodded, I chuckled under my breath as she realized what she did, like mother like daughter I guess,

"Well, the horse she leased, Shadow was just put down," I gasped I remembered that horse, he was a big warmblood almost all brown but had wisps of black covering him like a blanket, and he was such a sweetie.

"That's terrible! What happened?" Her mom sighed,

"I think it was a freak accident," man, I know how it feels,

"That's even worse," 

"Yes and that's where you come it...Anna is an amazing jumper, she hasn't been riding that long but she's amazing, been placing at all the shows. Anyways my point sorry, there's an open spot at SCRA," I saw where this was going,

"She managed to convince her parents to let her go, next year...but she needs a horse and I know an exceptional little jumper that's sitting in our barn right now," she was talking about Flame. While yes she was Fire's daughter she was 3/4 Arabian and an amazing jumper. Standing at 14.9 hands high she wasn't exactly large and she looked more Arabian that her half quarter horse Mom. She was also only 5 1/2 so still a work in progress.

"Mom, I'd need to see Anna ride her first. You think you can set up a time for her to come ride Flame and then maybe. Just face time me during their ride and I'll decide then," I said, that seemed reasonable, Flame was important to me so i needed to know who I was handing her over to.

"That sounds great! I'll let you know then!" I smiled, I loved flame and Flame loved to jump but I had wind and she needed a rider so this is a good idea.

"Alright bye Mom, love you,"

"Love you too sweetie I'll talk to you later," hanging up I slipped my phone into my back pocket and went back into the cafe.

Sliding into the booth Meg looked at me,

"So what'd your Mom want?"

"Oh something about one of our horses Flame, did you guys order yet?" Jeremy nodded,

"Meg ordered you a burger, fries and Oreo milkshake," I grinned,

"You know me to well Meg, too well," she grinned,

"Yes I do, yes I do," laughing we continued talking as our food was served and my phone vibrated again as we started finishing up,

Nick: hey, where you at??

Connor: At the Cafe with Meg and the new kid Jeremy, why?

Nick: Just curious

Connor: Alrighty, wanna go for a ride when I get back Wind looks bored, looking out the window which was by where the horses were tied up I snapped a picture of him and sent it to Nick

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