Chapter 21

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"Good you guys, you're looking great!" Josie called from the center of the arena as we cantered over the small course.
Only one week of school remained and we were at our final lessons of the season.
"Alright guys bring it in!" Slowing Wind to a walk I directed him in between Ben and Nick.
"This has been an amazing season you guys and I cannot wait for next year," Josie gushed clapping her hands together, "as you know next year is going to be very different but I have every ounce of confidence that you guys will do amazing!" I grinned as Ben let out a whoop, he always got how we were feeling right.
"Now one final time this year at school go cool off your horses and give them a well deserved rest!" Grinning I directed Wind our to the rail at a walk and took my feet out of the stirrups sighing at the sense of relief.
"You ready to go home?" Nick asked coming up beside me on Dante.
"Yeah, I think I am," I said sadly knowing that I wouldn't get to see him everyday like at school.
"How's Anna coming along?" He questioned grabbing my hand off of my thigh where it rested.
"Great, I really think she and Flame are gonna rock the show world," I admitted proudly,
"Ok quit with the mushiness you two!" Ben called from behind us, star shaking his head in agreement.

"You're one to talk Ben! Were you or were you not making out with Megan on the couch yesterday!" I teased laughing as Ben's cheeks and ears turned bright red.

"Oooh Ben's getting some!" Jeremy quipped causing us all to break out in laughter.

"Jerks," Ben mumbled pulling Star to a stop and hopping off.

"Take it back! You know you love us!" I said shaking a fist at him as I pulled Wind to a stop as well.

"Do I though? Do I really?" I rolled my eyes as Ben's dramatic ways. Shoving his shoulder as we walk out of the arena the others following.

"So my dear child," I started clipping wind into the cross ties.

Jeremy cast me an odd look, "what this time?"

"As you know Anna is your age and will be coming here next year, so..." I paused lifting Winds saddle off his back,

"I know this is kinda weird to ask but the girls been through a lot, could you keep an eye on here? I mean I'm not asking for you to babysit her or pretend to be her friend or anything just keep an eye on her make sure she's ok every once in awhile," I rambled scurrying Winds back.

"Connor," Jeremy said cutting me off, "Anna sound like a wonderful equestrian and I was hoping to get to know her at least a little bit," I grinned at this mentally constructing a plan. Shrugging Winds bridle onto my shoulder I nodded to Jeremy before lugging my tack to my tack locker. Locking it all up I headed back to Wind only to find Nick standing at his head chatting with Jeremy as he stroked Wind. Grinning I walked up to him from behind and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Nick lifted his arm cleaning his head to look at me,

"Piggy back ride?" I asked, Nick rolled his eyes and squared down as I released him, allowing me to hop on his back. Laughing as Wind nudged me as if to ask, 'how'd you get so tall?'holding onto Nick with one hand I managed to clip Wind lead on his halter and release him from the cross ties before rest my head on Nicks shoulder. Nick turned his head giving me a soft kiss on the temple before carrying me to Wind stall where I Jumped of his back long enough to put Wind away before jumping back on.

Sighing in content as Nick carried me easily back to the dorm I closed my eyes resting my head on his shoulder again. Not opening my eyes as we entered the dorm and Nick carried me up the stairs I only opened them when we were at my dorm. Smiling softly at Nick I hopped off his back and led him into my dorm. Grabbing a grey Capri sweats, and a black cami I ducked into the bathroom and changed quickly out of my riding clothes. Tying my hair up into a bun before leaving the bathroom and climbing up my beds ladder to where Nick was lying, his shoes discarded on the floor by the door.

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