○Life At Karasuno High○

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It was 8 in the morning and (y/n) and Daichi were walking side by side to school. This had become a routine since (y/n) had started attending Karasuno High.

The school year was almost over and (y/n) was kind of sad because when that school year ended, she would have to change schools since her parents were buying a new house in Tokyo.

It would be kind of hard for (y/n) because all her friends and her brother were staying in Miyagi, since Daichi was already considered as an adult and because he wanted to keep playing Volleyball with Asahi and Sugawara.

(y/n) was looking down, distracted by her own thoughts when she heard Daichi:


You automatically looked at Daichi and quickly replied:


- hmmm... I don't know how to really say this, but do you want to talk about how this whole "changing schools thing" has been making you feel?

You kept staring at Daichi and all of a sudden you had started giggling. You and Daichi had always had a close relationship. He was such a good brother, always ready to help you when you needed but, to be real, he was not the type of person who would ask anyone about their feelings.

-uuuuuu look at sensible Daichi! Wants to talk about feelings!

Daichi started laughing uncontrollably because he knew that he really was not the type of person that would start a conversation like that. And also because he was already used to your jokes.

-No but for real Daichi thank you so much for caring. To be honest I'm sad. All my friends are here. (Bestfriend/n) is here and you are here. I don't know anyone at Nekoma. It's kind of scary you know?

Daichi looked at you with a serious but brotherly and caring look and replied:

-(y/n)... I know it's kind of scary to change to a new place all of a sudden, but I'm pretty sure you will like Nekoma High and the people there. I have already played some friendly Volleyball matches with some players from there and they were nice! And remember, about me, I'm only one call away!

To be honest what Daichi had said had made you feel a lot better and you were glad you had a brother like him. But you couldn't really not make that joke... but Daichi knew you since ever and said the joke before you did.

-And no (y/n) my name is not Charlie Puth.

And with that, both of you started laughing and kept walking to Karasuno High.

(A/n) - Hope you guys liked the first chapter!
Sorry for some grammar or speling mistakes.
See you next chapter!

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