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With that said, Sugawara started pushing you towards the Nekoma Team members.

-Woah Sugawara whatchu doin?

-(y/n) I know you dont't really like to be the center of attention and all...but we need to hurry up! As much as I like and respect you I need to get back to training.

(Y/n) pov:

And here I was. Getting pushed against the whole team. Well, let's see how this is going to turn. Why am I blushing. Am I red? WHY AM I RED?

Ok I guess we had been standing still for a long time in front of the team because they were all staring at me with a bored/confused look.

-Ahm... (y/n).... Are you going to introduce you or do you want me to? - Sugawara asked me.

I guess Sugawara had said something before he asked me what he just asked, but I haven't really heard it because I was distracted by my own thoughts.


"Wow (y/n) you sure know how to mumble..."

-What? Ahm okay, I guess.... Guys, this is (y/n)! She's really shy. She will start attending Nekoma High School in the next year. Hope you all get along well!

-Heeeyyy (y/n)! How is everything going? Woaahh you're so pretty!! - a guy with a bed-hair said.

-Ahm... thanks! So.. what's your name?

-Oh yeah, right... -he said scratching the back of his neck. - My name is Kuuro Tetsuru but you can call me just Kuuro, honey.

-Oh okay.... Thank you Kuuro.

Kenma Pov~:

Woah what's Kuuro doing? Why is he calling her pretty? Why is (y/n) blushing and getting all flustered?

Dude I'm not even her boyfriend why am I getting so jealous..? Why am I thinking about being her boyfriend? I don't ever know her!

I am confusion. Oh sorry a lot of time online...

Omg she's so shy I just want to hug her and tell her everything is going to be fine. No. I can't. I'm too shy for that.

Why is everyone looking at me?

-Yo.. Kenma, dude, we don't have all day - Kuuro told me.

(Y/n) was still kind of hiding behind Sugawara but she was slowly starting to stop doing so. She was now besides him, looking at me with a concern look. To be honest, I haven't even heard what we were talking about.

-Kenmaaaaa.... Can you please just introduce you? Everyone else already did we are just waiting for you dude. He's very shy, you know (y/n)?

-Oh ok... that's ok! I'm shy too. If he doesn't feel confortable I'm not going to push him to introduce himse...

-m-my name is Kenma Ko-kozume.

(Y/n) walked slowly towards me. I guess she was trying to confort me since she just discovered that I was shy. She did know what it feels like to be shy.

-h-hi Kenma Kokozume! Glad to meet you.

She was blushing. She must be feeling so unconfortable. Everyone's looking at her. The worst nightmare of a shy person. I know it.

-ahm...my name is not Kokozume. Just Kozume. - I replied.

-oh! Gomenasai Kozume-kun! - she said looking at the floor.

-No problem... I guess you can just call me Kenma.

As I lifted up my head, I've saw Kuuro behind (y/n) and Sugawara, with his thumbs up.

Oh god.

Kuuro Pov:

I can't believe my anti social best friend has a crush! I've never seen him like that! Oh... young love... so beautiful.

He did really looked kind of jealous when I called (y/n)-chan honey and pretty....

O.M.G. He is talking to her. In front of our whole team and Sugawara. This is a personal conquer! Ok. I'm so proud.

(A/n) - Heyy guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Many things are about to happen!

I don't really know what to write in the autor notes tbh. For now! XD

Sorry for some grammar or speling mistakes!

See you next chapter! (✿◠‿◠)

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