○New Faces○

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Kenma Pov:

Out of nothing, Hinata started running towards the door. Has Kageyama went somewhere?

Suddenly, I see him hugging a girl. I guess I've never seen her before.

Why is she hidding behind Hinata? Why did she scream "pooping?" What is happening? Why is she now hiding behind Kageyama?

She is beautiful tho. And seems to be a very shy person, like me. I know the feeling, to see a lot of new faces all of a sudden.

I didn't like to be the center of attention too.

"I should go introduce me. Maybe it will be easier for her if she knows that I'm a shy person as well and that she is not alone. Ok who am I kidding, I would never have the guts to do that." I thought. "Why am I still looking at her?? I guess she noticed me looking at her! Crap!"

-Oi! Kenma!What you looking at? Just set the ball please! - I heard Kuuro screaming.

And so I focused myself, and returned to the train.

Kuuro Pov:

"Why is there a random girl hiding behind Hinata? These Karasuno freaks..."

All of the team seemed to repair in the scene just like I did. Well whatever, we need to train.

As I was catching a ball from the ground, I noticed Kenma. He had been staring at the girl since she arrived.

"Oh. My. God. I can't believe it! My little Kenma has a crush!" I thought. "Ok I was kidding but to be honest I guess I've never seen Kenma so focused on anyone."

I've tried to introduce Kenma to some girl friends of mine but he never really took his eyes of his console.

I guess this time is different then.

I let him be for a while, but we needed to train.

-Oi! Kenma! What you looking at? Just set the ball please!

And with that he did a mini jump and setted the ball.

(Y/n) pov:

All of a sudden they had all returned to their practise. The pudding haired boy was called by his teammate. Did he called him Kenma? Was that his name?

I started walking towards coach Ukai but halfway there Nishinoya started talking with me.

-Heyy (y/n)! I guess you've just discovered that we are going to play against Nekoma hehehe! Hey! If you want me to, I can introduce you the guys! DID I HEAR A YES? LET'S GO! YEY!

Ok don't get me wrong, I love Nishinoya but he was certainly not understanding how shy I was in that moment. I am originally shy and being caught looking at the pretty boy was not helping. I had been madly blushing since I saw him. The question is: why had he been looking at me for soooo long? Did he thought that I was crazy for hiding behind the boys or because I had just randomly yelled "pooping?"

As he was reading my mind, Sugawara stepped in.

-Oi! Nishinoya-kun! You know how (y/n) is. Dont't you think you're not really helping the situation by grabbing everyones' attention to her, again?

It was true. Everyone was looking again. As a reflex, I hided myself behind Sugawara. He is taller than Nishinoya so he is a better hiding spot.

-Ohh I did not notice that... I'm sorry (y/n)-chan! Maybe you should introduce them to (y/n) Sugawara! -Nishinoya replied really happy. To be honest, that was his constant mood.

-Well if you want me to (y/n), I can do that.

Well, why not? In less than one year, I will be moving to Nekoma High School and I will see this faces on a daily base so... this had to be done. Or now or in a couple of months.

-Ok, let's do it. Thank you Sugawara!


(A/n) Hope you guys liked this chapter!!

Sorry for some grammar or speling mistakes!

See you in the next chapter! {◕ ◡ ◕}

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