○Unexpected question?○

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(Y/n) Pov:

Why the hell is the sun shining so much at this time? It must be like 7 am!

Still in bed, I reach my phone that was charging in my bedside table. Oh lord, why didn't I decrease the phone brightness yesterday?


This must be a joke right? How can it be 4 pm already?

I need to get ready real quick!

I took a shower and dressed a really nice outfit. Kind of comfy and casual.

I decided to lunch what my parents had left for me. As I sat down, just so that I could eat, my phone rang. Daichi was trying to face time me!

When I picked it up, I heard (bestfriend/n) screaming my name:


-Oi! (Bestfriend/n) keep it down, for gods sake! - Daichi said laughing. -Hey (y/n), how is it going? Wait wait wait. Why are you so dressed up?

-Hey Daichi! I'm fine how about yo-


(Bestfriend/n) looked so much more excited than me. And than Daichi, but to be honest it wasn't that difficult.

-Wait. You're going on a date? Wit- with who?

Daichi didn't seem that happy. I can understand why, he's my older brother, he's just being overprotective...


-Guys...! You're way more hyped than me! You've got to calm down! - I said giggling.

-Wait. You're going out with Kenma?- Daichi asked.

-It's not a date! I think... We're just gonna talk...

While I was telling them this, Asahi just appeared behind them, walking through their house's (Asahi and bestfriend/n) kitchen door.

-Oi! Why are yall making so much noise?!

-(y/n) is going on a daaaate! - (bestfriend/n) replied.

And then, silence. Asahi seemed... sad? Like sad when I told him I was going to leave and he gave me the bracelet...? I don't know why though...

-Oh..Uhm.. cool! I'm going to check the cookies, you know I left... left them in the oven. Good luck with your date (y/n)!

And then, he left.

-Don't mind him (y/n), he has been like this in the past few days... He must be with his period...

-(Bestfriend/n)! - Daichi exclaimed. - don't say stuff like that!

-Why not! It's true!

Between giggles, my eyes wondered to the clock. 5:50 Pm. Already?

-Hey guys... not to be rude or anything but I really got to go!

-uuuuuuuu (y/n) has to go on her dateee! - (bestfriend/n) said.

-Oh for gods sake don't say it like that (bestfriend/n)! Just go (y/n) ok? I'm happy for you. If you need anything you can call me straight away.

-Yes Daichi, don't worry, I will...

-And don't go back to la-

-Yes, yes (y/n) knows it just let her go she needs to hurry! You've got to tell me everything once you're back!! Bye (y/n)!Good luck!

And she hung up. This girl never changes...

I started walking towards the park when I noticed a pudding-haired boy sitted in a bench under a tree, looking at his game boy. Kenma.

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